Winter Preparations

Winter Prep

Be prepared for icy areas on stoops and walkways.

HML will apply Salt to the roadway. They will shovel the walkways and then apply Ice Melt only to the concrete.

If additional Ice Melt is necessary Residents should be prepared. Care must be taken not to put ANY Rock Salt or similar products on the concrete since they are relatively new.

The Village supplies Ice Melt, which is the ONLY acceptable product to apply on our concrete surfaces.  There is a bucket of Ice Melt in the recycle bin at 598. You must bring your own container and remember to put the lid back on the supply can so it doesn’t harden up.   Please use a sufficient amount of Ice Melt to keep your walkway safe by spreading it evenly. Avoid dropping small piles of Ice Melt along the walkway as this could be damaging to the concrete.  Keep a small container of Ice Melt at your front door so it is available to you for the times when Icy conditions may arise.

All residents with an awning covering their patio or deck MUST have their awnings removed by December 1st of the year.  If the awning is severely dirty it must be cleaned or replaced before re-installing it in the spring.

A reminder also to shut off your outside water valves and drain the pipes so it doesn’t freeze and burst.

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