
Welcome Hershey’s Mill Residents. This is your website.

HMlogoBy the way, you are on the Home page. Clicking the above HOME link will just reload this page. Clicking on the HOME link in the the menu will always take you back here.

There is much to see in this Hershey’s Mill web site and we’ve made it easier to use. You have quite a few ways to get around.

By the way, Hershey’s Mill is sometimes just called “The Mill or “HM”. You may see those terms used on this website or in conversation with residents.

The menu is immediately above this section.

If you would like a bit of help in learning the ways to navigating the site (or see what is here), you can CLICK and read this “How to get around” page. Or you want to skip the menus entirely you can view all our pages as links with our Page Index or site map.Both pages are also under the HELP menu.

Quick HM links-shortcuts to some pages you might want to see right away

Here are some highlights of this website for Hershey’s Mill, a community for active adults.

HM News

News within and around the Hershey’s Mill community which may be of interest to residents. This link will take you straight to HM News.

This is so important to our residents that we made it a top level item on the menu above.

New Resident

If you are a new resident you might want to look at our New Resident page. This page is found under THE MILL on the menu.

NEW Page -Yellow Dot

The HM Yellow Dot Plus program is new to this website and it may save your life.

Learn more at https://hersheysmill.org/resources/hm-yellow-dot-plus/


TV20bldg-leaves HM has it’s own TV Station. See menu above for their section of website.

If you are in HM cannot view the Hershey’s Mill Community TV channels 970 & 971 please read this and let the TV station know

Television, Internet, Telephone

This is a long document divided into 4 sections. Be sure to read the top of the page so you get to the right part.Verizon FiOS Instructions for New Residents, Current Residents, Sellers, Unoccupied Homes, Renters and Landlords.


The golf course is at the center of Hershey’s Mill but not part of the website. They have their own website at Hershey’s Mill Golf Club

Email feedback to: webmaster@hersheysmill.org

Just copy and paste email address into your email.