Village Council Meeting – January 18, 2023

In Attendance:  Mike Pincus, Jay Harter, Margaret Callahan, Bob Gottschall, Bill Shipley and Janet Burgess.

Meeting called to order at 8:59 AM by Mike Pincus.

October 27, 2022 Meeting minutes were approved.

November 10, 2022 Meeting minutes were approved.

Financial:  Jay Harter reported that the December reports from CSK were not received yet. CSK received an invoice from Leroy Beiler for $150 for work done on Mike Pincus’ roof.  Mike will correct the payment.

Committee Updates:

Architectural: The committee will be sending a list of doors that need painting to council. Mike will follow up with Dom Aleardi

Discussion of decks that the Architectural Committee consider dangerous and a letter that was requested.  The Architectural Committee should send the first letter.  Mike will follow up with Dom.

Landscaping:  Check for $75 was received for winning second place in the Hershey’s Mill Entrance Decorating competition. The money will be given to the Decorating Committee to reimburse Michelle Cohen for decorations she purchased.

AC Tree will be coming in February to trim holly bushes. The cost is $1535.  A total of $10,730 was in the budget and has been approved for tree removal – which will occur in the next few months.

Jay Harter received a call from Jack Keeley about cracks in the road pavement he felt should be filled before the seal coating is done. Jack thought we could fill the cracks ourselves but Dom Aleardi felt we should have the paving company do the filling. Council agreed we will hold off on any crack repairs until our drainage issues are resolved.

Mike Pincus met with Ed McFalls concerning the drainage issues.  Ed McFalls agreed that the work done at 530 was the responsibility of the master association and Franklin Village will be reimbursed by the master association.  Ed will check the other drainage issues to determine if the master association is responsible for any of the other problem areas. Paul Welle’s input to Margaret Callahan was very helpful.

Welcome Committee:  Jack Keeley sent a note about information to be included in the welcome packet.

There was a discussion about the real estate rules from the master association that he wanted added to the welcome packet. Margaret Callahan will compare with the Franklin Village real estate rules.  Janet Burgess said should be consistent among all of the villages.  Mike Pincus said the master association document committee is still working on the rules document.  Jack also included a list of contact numbers that that he suggested we send to all residents. Mike Pincus will talk to Jack Keeley about the contact list.

Pool Committee:  An estimate for fixing the concrete apron around the pool will be provided in the next couple of weeks.  Margaret Callahan brought up staining the old shed. Margaret and Bill Shipley will handle it. No one has been able to get in touch with Rich from Giuliani Pools ( contact was made after the meeting – contract should be forth coming).

A question was raised about replacing the lock handles that were damaged by squirrels.  We will check about replacement.

Communications: All communications requested have been sent.

Garage & Street Lights:  Kevin Callahan is being contacted by residents to replace lights.

Maintenance: Mike Pincus will talk to Dom Aleardi about adding more members to the committee.

Margaret Callahan brought up the idea of asking resident’s if they have any expertise that might be useful when issues arise in the village.  The example of Paul Welle providing advice concerning the drainage issues was given. Bill Shipley will send out an email asking for expertise.

Old Business: The issue of the ramp at 533 was discussed.  Bob Gottschall received a document from the resident explaining why he wished to keep the ramp.  Council agreed that the ramp should remain.

The proposal from Bachmann Roofing was discussed. Mike Pincus has received three estimates from them and will continue to negotiate the price.  Mike will also request proposals from two other roofing companies.

The pest control company will be doing termite inspections, March 25, April 8, April 22, and May 6. The inspections will be external. If residents want them to do an inside inspection, they will have to request it. There is no additional charge for an inside inspection. Janet Burgess will notify Bill Shipley about sending out a note to residents.

New Business: None.

The next council meeting will be held on Thursday March 16, 2023 at 9:00am

Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 am.

Respectfully submitted by Bill Shipley




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