Annual Meeting – May 24, 2023

President’s report:  Mike Pincus on the sink hole problems.  5 sinkholes opened up in the village as a result of holes and cracks in the stormwater cast iron drainage pipes which are 30 years old. Some have been repairs, some still need repair ($25K so far). Master’s Association has paid ($10K+) for repairs to the pipes that connect outside our village. Paul Welle was thanked for his analysis of the report and photos from Pipe Data who scoped our pipes with cameras, Negotiations with the Master Association will continue to see if they will fund the required fixes to the storm drain system.  Mike and Paul will continue to work on overseeing the stormwater pipe issues.   Asphalt resealing is on hold until all issues are addressed.

Mike Webber asked about the issue near 530.  Dom Aleardi answered that a drain pit was installed to see if it would help before having to run a line to the storm drain. Council will continue to investigate better options.

Mike Pincus reported on the roof replacement project. Continuing leaks caused council to look into roof replacement.  45 repairs have occurred over the last 2 years (29 different houses).  4 roofing companies were contacted. Bachman Roofing was chosen based upon price and their experience.  $600 per household assessment – letter from CSK will be send to homeowners. We will just do the houses this year.  Garages and gutters will be done in several years (approx. 4 years).

Finance Report: Jay Harter discussed the financial health of the village.  Rejuvenation project was funded from reserves. Charges for increased gas prices from contractors caused us to overrun the budget slightly, Master Association paying for one of the storm drain fixes helped the budget, they reimbursed the village $10,000   A slide showing roof cost estimates was shared.

Bachman Roofing:  Matt Kennedy from Bachman answered questions from residents.

Timing: Early October.  8-10 weeks duration.. Staging area: Near pool

Skylights are being evaluated by Bachman and homeowner contacted directly if a replacement is recommended.

Skylights and sun tunnels are the responsibility of the homeowner.

Sun tunnels will be reused (unless you want new).

Bachmann will need to be inside your unit if your skylight is being replaced, to ensure it is seated properly.

If you don’t have a skylight or sun tunnel and are interested in having one installed, now would be the time to get a quote from Bachman to install.

Grass will need to be cut very short right ahead of the job, in order to help with clean up/nails, etc.


Bachman will check to ensure your bathroom vent truly vents to the outside, vs venting in your attic.  They will vent to the outside at no additional cost.  Venting to the outside alleviates moisture (mold) in your attic space.

Kickout flashing will be used.

Nailing new shingles into the roof, will create wood shards in the attic.   If you use your attic for storage, you may want to cover your items with plastic or sheets.

Send questions /concerns to CSK.  Janet will compile and discuss at monthly council meetings.

Mike Pincus will coordinate with Matt Kennedy and reach out to homeowners with skylights as needed.

Architectural Committee:  Dom Aleardi is stepping down as Chair.  4 other members are also stepping down. Thank you to all the past and current members!  New members are being added. Committee members will be announce as soon as they have a chance to have their first meeting.

Pool Committee:  Bill Shipley reported that the pool is ready for the opening this Saturday May 27th.

Landscape Committee:  Michelle Cohen talked about the list of new plantings that the committee had crated. Sha asked residents to make sure they water any new plantings.

Welcome Committee – Louise Harter and Carolynn Hincken welcomed new residents at 566 and 606.

Social Committee:  Jacki Welle talked about the success of the Ladies Luncheon   The next event will be a pool party on June 7th.  Jacki also discussed the plan for an Octoberfest party.

Bocce:  Carolynn Hincken explained Bocce is usually the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month.

Council Vote Results:  The following were elected for two-year positions:  Bob Gottschall and Jack Keeley. Positions will be decided in the next 2 weeks

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