More Wintering Ducks – Mergansers

January 2021: More Wintering Ducks – Mergansers

With the winter seasonal closing of the Hershey’s Mill Golf Course, we have a great opportunity to check out the ducks on the rather large pond between the lagoon and Franklin Village. Two species of Mergansers can be found there. (Check out our map for more location info.)

The more striking of the two species is the Hooded Merganser. A small duck with a slender pointed bill, the male has a white, fan-shaped, black-bordered crest, blackish body with dull rusty flanks, and white breast with two black stripes down the side. Females are a dull gray brown, with a warmer brown head and crest. Both sexes show white wing patches in flight.

The other–the larger of the two, is a Common Merganser The males are striking with clean white bodies, dark green heads, and a slender, serrated red bill. The gray-bodied females have rich, cinnamon heads with a short crest.

Their primary food source is fish followed by aquatic insects. You will see both species popping up and down as they forage. An occasional Bald Eagle can be seen perched in the trees, waiting for a chance to steal a fish or two.

Happy Birding!!

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