Special Treats for Bluebirds

March 29, 2023: Special Treats for Bluebirds

Hershey’s Mill Nature Group has kicked off the 2023 Nest Box Monitoring season. Approximately 15 volunteers have signed up to oversee the 110 nest boxes installed around the HM campus. We have been inspecting and repairing or replacing those boxes.

We often get questions about feeding mealworms to Bluebirds. We have been advised by our past chair, Wilbur Amand, DVM, that it is not a good idea to do so on a regular basis.

The North American Bluebird Society also offers the following note of caution regarding feeding mealworms: “Because they do not provide complete nutrition, mealworms should be used as a supplemental food only. They are calcium-depleting, which can leave young birds with weak bones or cause egg binding in laying birds. Feeding mealworms should be considered a “treat” much like candy for us.”

Eggshells can be an excellent substitute. During the nesting season, female Bluebirds need extra calcium to produce eggs. That’s why eggshells could be what they actually require! You can save the shells in your freezer until you’ve accumulated 6 or 8. Once you have enough, place them on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven for 15 minutes at about 250 degrees. You can then crumble them and place them in a dish. (I use a pie plate.) If you like, mix in just a few mealworms and the Bluebirds will love it.

Happy Blue Birding!

Jado Foot

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