Meeting called to order at 5PM In Attendance: Jack Keeley, Jay Harter, Dom Aleardi, Jay Harter, Michael Pincus, Judy Jurgan and Janet Burgess
Reading of the October minutes was waived.
- Walking Trail: The MA is claiming eminent domain for 3 feet on each side of Chandler on the Franklin and Princeton side, which they want to use to make walking lanes. We are looking into this.
- PECO – They are doing work on Greenhill, trimming more trees etc. to prevent outages.
- PIPELINE: They are going to remove the orange barriers and open up the back lanes of the shopping center. They have removed the silt pot in front of the shopping center on Boot Road.
- Finance: There will be a $30 increase in the quarterly fee, $15 for the Master Association and $15 for Franklin due to increases from some of our vendors. A vote was taken to approve the budget and it was approved.
- Landscaping: We are slightly over budget due to trees coming down. HLM hasn’t finished trimming in our village and they haven’t done the rhododendrons. They should have been trimmed in the spring. Mike suggested a meeting with Chris Morris. Eric Golden is his boss and then Ed McFalls is above Eric. If they don’t finish our trimming, do we get a credit?
- Welcome Committee: Everyone has been visited except for the McCullough’s, but they have been provided with Village Rules and their welcome packet has been delivered to them.
- Pool Committee: The new pool cover hasn’t been delivered yet. Dom told CSK not to pay for the cover until it’s received.
- New Business: Last year we had 3 or 4 stack pipe leaks. There is a sleeve around the pipe that seals it and a few have cracked causing leaks. Janet recommended we wait to see if there are any more before having Leroy check all the collars.
- Signs: Some villages have revamped their signs. We are looking into following suit. Jay said we have money set aside for signage. We can discuss this at the next meeting. Springton’s sign is very attractive. Dom volunteered to paint the signs once colors are decided.
- AGENDA: Jack previewed the agenda for the Budget Meeting next week.
- Scheduled for 2021: Gutter cleaning, mulch, termite testing.
- No homes currently for sale in Franklin.
The meeting was adjourned at 5PM.