HMTC-Community email-Nov_ 23_2020

Hershey’s Mill
The HMTC provides residents with information through HM Emails where subjects may span a variety of topics, not just technology.

**** ALERT****

COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 Levels in PA are at All Time Highs – and Rising.
November 23, 2020

As COVID-19 Cases Reach Critical Levels,
Gov Wolf Announces New Mitigation Efforts.
This email includes revised Community Building and Sports Complex Occupancy and Use Limitations. Contents are sourced from several publications.

In addition to recent mandates, the following are highlights of restrictions issued Monday, November 23, 2020:
– New modeling projects 22,000 new COVID-19 cases per day in Pennsylvania in December. Hospitals expected to be at capacity if mitigation efforts are not utilized.

– “In the past week, the number of COVID-19-attributable deaths has quadrupled, and the average daily case count is seven times higher than it was two months ago.”

– “The IHME’s modeling also projects that if mitigation efforts are not adhered to, Pennsylvania could have more than 32,000 deaths from COVID-19 by Feb. 23, 2021 – that’s in just three months. With universal mask-wearing, those deaths can be reduced by half.”

– As of Nov 20 Chesco’s positivity rate — a measure of how many tests are positive compared with the total number of tests — went up from 7.2% to 8.7% – one week. The World Health Organization has said positivity rates should be under 5%.

What does this mean for Hershey’s Mill Residents on a practical level?

Stay At Home and Other Restrictions:
(These are abbreviated or summarized and not the full text.)

– Only leave home to go out for essential needs, such as seeking medical care, going to the grocery store or pharmacy, picking up food or exercising.

– When not at home, individuals must wear a face covering and practice physical distancing by staying at least six feet away from others and frequent hand hygiene.

– No individuals in homes who are not part of your household unless necessary for essential care or needs. Throughout such necessary in home visits, all individuals must wear a face covering and practice physical distancing.

– Limit holiday celebrations to members of your immediate household.

– Avoid travel, within and outside of the Commonwealth.

– Telework is mandatory unless impossible.

– Online sales and curbside pickup for all shopping are encouraged.

– Citations and fines enacted with more for repeat offenders.

– If you are returning to Hershey’s Mill from out of State, Self Quarantine for 14 days.

– If family or guests travel to your home, they are to Self Quarantine for 14 days.

PA Government Stay at Home

Gathering Limitations:

All indoor and outdoor events/ gatherings categories size limits are reduced.

For Hershey’s Mill, inside gathering limited to 10% of occupancy and outside gathering limited to 15% of occupancy as per PA Government.

Household Gatherings are also advised against when attendees include non-household members as noted through the Secretary of Health’s Stay at Home Advisory.

Community Buildings: Effective Immediately

Face Masks Update: Face masks are to be worn whenever you leave your home and to wear them in group meetings of any nature, even when six feet apart.

The Community Center is open to HM residents for RESERVED events only.

Room Capacities until further notice:

Ardmore Room 6 people seated, 4 people Table Tennis

Malvern Room 4 people seated, 2 people Table Tennis

Wooldridge (Main) Hall 8 people

Billiards Room 2 people

Paoli Room Closed for use

Warming Room. Closed for use

Patio 4 people

The Cove 6 people

Wood Shop 5 people

Sullivan House TBD


– Open for Singles and Doubles Play Only.

– No Open or Village or ‘Reserved Group Gatherings’ of any size.

– No Group Gatherings.

PA Governor COVID-19 Updates

REMINDER: Cities, Counties and nearby States all around us have rising COVID-19 rates of infection. Be diligent in protecting yourself. Many people that we come into contact with when we shop, visit the Dry Cleaners, Barber Shop, Hardware Store, Hair Salon, etc. work in the West Chester, Malvern, Frazer, Exton area but reside in Philadelphia and other areas of higher COVID-19 rates. Others travel to see family or friends, traveling to high positivity rate areas and others cross State lines, and then fail to Self Quarantine upon return.


– Please check on your neighbors regularly. A simple phone call checking in may make all the difference in someone’s day. We are all in this together – call a neighbor or two today. If you just moved here an don’t know any one, call one of your Village Council members.
-Please communicate this information to any neighbor that does not receive emails.
– Please check with your friends and neighbors to be sure they see the COVID-19 emails.

We thank you for your understanding and patience as we navigate these unprecedented times.

To your health,

Wear a mask, Wash your hands, Stay six feet away, Stay healthy,

Bill & Sherry Kane
Co-Chairs, HM Technology Committee
Note: Emails sent out Community wide through the HM Email Platform are for internal HM use only and not for public distribution, posting on any type of website, with the exception of the website, or used in any other manner available to the general public or those residing outside Hershey’s Mill.

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