Franklin Village Council Meeting – May 11, 2021

Meeting called to order at 4:00pm

In Attendance:  Jack Keeley, Jay Harter, Dom Aleardi, Michael Pincus, Judy Jurgan and Janet Burgess

Reading of the April minutes was waived.

Financial:  1 unit has not paid their HOA fee.  We are $3000 over budget due to snow removal.  We won’t know until December if that amount increases.

Architectural:  Several decks are not in compliance with the allowed color and have to be painted. A letter will go out advising that all decks must be painted dark brown. The front of 550 has to be repaired and a letter will be sent advising owner to repair the step and mortar. After the step is repaired, the village will fix the bottom.  Moving the Franklin sign on Mill away from the trees was approved.

Landscaping:  We were supposed to walk with Chris from HML tomorrow and he is tied up for the week, so it won’t be done until next week. A couple of trees have to come down and there are bushes that need to be replaced.

Welcome:   Unit 525 is now occupied and 538 will be occupied after 5/24. Units 556, 539 and 561 will be going on the market soon,

Pool:  The pool is ready to go. The cover will be removed and the pool cleaned up on 5/24, weather permitting.  Tables and chairs are already out.  HML needs to pay attention to the landscaping around the entrance to the pool.  We have a full list of volunteers for the summer. We are waiting for the MA’s rules regarding the usage of the pool by guests and children.

Documents:  Mike is in the process of preparing to delete the section regarding the enclosures from the By-Laws. We have to bring that to a vote by the homeowners. A notice has to go out in the mail to homeowners.

Walking Trail:  A meeting of the residents on Chandler to walk the area of the proposed  trail was held on Saturday 5/8.  Ed McFalls and Chris from HML attended. The residents walked along Chandler and discussed planned removal and replacement of trees and shrubs.  After the walk, we agreed to have a meeting at the pool to go over the proposal submitted by Ed and Chris.  We will have the meeting on Wednesday 5/19/21 at the pool. Dom advised Ed and Chris that we want a 3 year guarantee of the plantings.  We also have to get everyone to sign off on the trail so we don’t run into issues later.

Election:  Following the meeting, council took the annual vote of president and vice president.  Dom Aleardi was nominated and seconded as president and Mike Pincus as vice president.  Jack did not wish to remain on council and resigned.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

The next council meeting is 6/14. There will be an open general meeting on 6/24 at the Community Center.


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