Franklin Village Council Meeting – June 14, 2021

Meeting called to order at 4:00pm

In Attendance:  Dom Aleardi, Michael Pincus, Jay Harter, Sandy Ogletree, Judy Jurgan and Janet Burgess

Reading of the May minutes was waived.

Master Association Minutes will be on the website

Financial:  There are no outstanding owner payments due. The May results were reasonable. A couple of items have timing problems where we are under budget but haven’t spent the money yet. We’re okay until November, when we could get some snow.

Architectural:  Jeanette is chairing Architectural. There is a slider issue with one resident who had a sliding door installed. The color is okay. The door is not to FV guidelines but the construction is a material which is strong, doesn’t rot and looks the same as our current sliders. A request form was submitted after the work was done but has not yet been approved. Architectural is investigating the validity of updating the current requirements. If the installed doors are an acceptable replacement, the doors will be approved.

Landscaping:  Dom, Sandy Ogletree, and Maggie Thompson did a walk-around with Chris and Jason from HML. Chris will attend our general meeting on 6/24/21. He will explain the current condition of our village and what needs to be done going forward. He is suggesting we do rejuvenation: Cut down to the nubs and wait for everything to rejuvenate rather than tear things out and replace them. This would then be budgeted over several years.

We are still waiting for HML’s proposal following the walk-around noting items that are needed so we can prioritize what requires immediate action. It is in our contract that things that impede ingress and egress in our village need to be addressed immediately. There are a lot of walkways that are blocked by overgrown shrubs. Some of these items are clearly in our contract with HML but haven’t been done. There are quite a few trees that have to be taken down. We can obtain bids from other tree removal companies instead of having HML use their sub-contractor, Arader Tree, to do this work. The Landscaping committee’s zones are now coordinated with the Architectural Committee’s. HML trucks and equipment have been driving through Franklin in the early AM hours on their way to other villages. We have asked HML to tell their drivers not to cut through Franklin if not working in our village. They also need to stop discarding their trash near their work areas and putting cigarettes out in the mulch and roadways. We have a 90-day cancellation clause in our contract with HML if they are not performing to the contract specs. However, we would then need a new landscaper and snow removal service. We will look into vetting some contractors in the event we need to invoke the cancellation clause.

One request was received to plant a red maple tree to replace shrubs that were removed 2 years ago. The homeowner is paying for the tree and FV for the planting. This was approved by committee.

Welcome Committee:  One new resident has moved in.

Pool committee: Weather has not been great but the pool is open. The exercise group has started their weekly classes.

Documents:  By now homeowners should have received the proposal regarding the 11th Amendment to the By-Laws. The two areas to be discussed are repeal of Exhibit D which is the specifications for the installation of the patio enclosures and deck enclosures. We want to wipe that out and allow homeowners who wish to do something like that apply to the architectural committee. A vote will be taken on that issue. The 2nd Amendment Article 6.4 regarding a vacancy to the village council should be filled temporarily until the next annual election is very vague. It should read: “If a vacancy to council should result from the death, resignation or removal of any member, even though less than a quorum is present, and by majority vote, a replacement should be appointed to complete the term of the council person who has died, resigned or was removed.

Mike received a certified copy of the 10th Amendment and will send a copy to Janet Burgess.

Walking Trail:  Ed McFalls sent us a copy of the diagram of plantings to be put in by the HOA if approval is given by FV to put in the trail. The diagram includes numerous flowers, which FV does not want.  We want shrubbery and trees that will provide privacy for the unit owners on Chandler. We do not want any flowers.  We also want the HOA to maintain the plantings for at least 2 years so they can then become established and survive on their own with Mother Nature watering them. We should not have to make residents drag hoses up the hill to water new plantings. The HOA should also maintain trimming of the plantings. The area where the trail will go is very narrow. We want to know where the trail will go behind foliage that is already there. What will happen if after the trees are removed the area is a lot more open than previously thought?  Another question: Will HML be able to handle this monumental project and complete it, including putting in the plantings before winter?

General Meeting:  Dom would like council to meet before the general meeting to firm up an agenda.

Old Business:  Unit 550 has damage to the front facing and stoop at the entrance. CSK is waiting for a proposal.  Part of the work is the responsibility of the owner. We can possibly notify them that we are having a contractor do the work and then send them a bill for their portion of the work. We can provide the amount to them prior to the work being done.

New Business:  J B Contracting has started cleaning out the gutters and eaves.  The three-directional signs in the village denoting the house numbers in each cul-de-sac are in need of repair. Dom is waiting for a proposal on this work from Hogan Signs.

One unit has water pouring onto their patio due to grading. HML will take a look to see what the problem is and if it is part of the HML contract to repair it.

Pet Rules:  Village pet rules are established and will be sent by email to residents of Franklin.

Insurance: Copies of residents’ insurance policy Declarations Page, showing owners are covered for the Village’s policy deductible, are required every year.  Owners should inform their agents they should send a copy to CSK when their policy renews.

The meeting adjourned at 5:20PM

The next Council meeting is 7/12/21 – We can meet at the Ardmore upstairs at the Community Center. Janet will call to reserve the room.

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