Village Council Meeting – October 11, 2021

Meeting called to order at 4:00pm

In Attendance:  Dom Aleardi, Jay Harter, Sandy Ogletree, Judy Jurgan, and Janet Burgess

Reading of the September minutes was waived.

Master Association Minutes will be on the website.

Finance: We don’t have our 3rd quarter report yet. Jay called them today. There are 20 working days from the end of the month, today is the 11th. You’re looking at 10/20 so they should be out this week.  Jay asked about power washing. It is done every other year. Architectural will check to see if it’s needed.

Architectural:  Jeanette reported that there is nothing of import to discuss.

Landscaping:  The fall walk-around will be done soon.

Rejuvenation – A walk around was done and a list made of things plants that should be removed and rejuvenated. There are about 250 plants along the road through the village. Some of the work that should have been done at the time of the spring walk around is still not done.  Work will be checked before approving payments. Plantings will be done some time after the rejuvenation.

Janet has recommended that we renew with HML for snow removal.

A letter or email will be sent out to villagers explaining that it is their responsibility  to maintain ground cover and plants/shrubs etc. in the rear of their units.

Pool: To date there has been no response to a request for someone to take over the pool duties.  As mentioned, if there is no chair person and co-chair, the pool cannot open next year.

Documents:  Mike Pincus is working on a document for insuring the continuation of the rejuvenation project.

New Business:  Unit 574 has undergone remediation for termites. Unit 530 has multiple areas of siding that has been damaged. Unit 541 will have a new gutter installed to prevent further water damage.

The meeting adjourned at 5:20PM

The next council meeting is 11/1/2021 at 2PM


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