Village Council Meeting – December 13, 2021

Meeting called to order at 2:00pm

In Attendance:  Dom Aleardi, Jay Harter, Mike Pincus, Sandy Ogletree, Judy Jurgan, and Janet Burgess

Reading of the November minutes was waived.

The Council meeting schedule for 2022 was approved

Financial:  Jay Harter reported there are 3 delinquent accounts for the last quarter’s fees.

We may break even this year if there is no snow before 1/1/22. We will end up with somewhere between 8K and 12K surplus. Jay suggests we use that for the rejuvenation next year. There is 15K in the 2022 budget for landscaping and $10K for trees.

Architectural:  Deck replacement for 536 has started. Paul Day bid $1100 to eliminate water in 2 basements at 596, 597 and 598. The work was approved by council.

Landscaping:  The throughway in Franklin is done. Two trees will be moved but they have to wait until spring.  HML has not been doing things the way they were asked to do them.  Flags were put where things should be planted and they would take up the flags and put the plants someplace else. They were supposed to deep water the plants after they were planted but they did not comply. We have contacted AC Tree regarding a bid for the three remaining cul-de-sacs.

Lighting: We have street lights that are leaning. The light on the corner of Mill and Franklin has been out for months. These problems have been reported to Ed McFalls but nothing has been done to date.  So far this year 36 garage bulbs have been replaced.

Pool:  We have potential volunteers for the Pool Chair and Co-Chair – Bill Shipley and Margaret Callahan. Dom will meet with them to discuss the particulars of the duties of the chair people.

Old Business:  We have a parking issue with units 538 to 541. We may have to stripe these spots to show where parking is allowed. This would allow 3 cars to park in the area.

New business: CSK will send a letter to Ed McFalls about the light poles on Mill

Road. Effective 1/1/22 our new sanitation company will be Blosinski.

The meeting was adjourned at 3PM. The next meeting is 1/10/22 at 2PM.

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