Village Council Meeting – January 10, 2022

Meeting called to order at 2:00pm

In Attendance: Dom Aleardi, Jay Harter, Mike Pincus, Sandy Ogletree, Judy Jurgan, and Janet Burgess

Reading of the December minutes was waived.

Financial: We haven’t received our year-end result yet. Janet advised that we had a high reading for water due to a leak in front of 588-Hammerschmidt.

Architectural: The addition at 536 – Peggy Covatta is going well. The contractor is doing a great job.

Landscaping: We received the bid from AC Tree regarding the remaining rejuvenation of the cul-de-sacs. We are planning a hard trimming rather than rejuvenation. So in other words, the rhododendrons won’t be cut down to the nub. Perennials are required to be cut back in the fall. Landscape Committee will be doing a walk around to make sure it has been done.

We also have a problem with ground cover in several locations. Residents will be notified that they must remove ground cover from around bushes and trees by 2 feet and not be invasive to structures. According to the Franklin Village Landscape Guidelines, no ground cover is and never was allowed to be planted. If not done, Council will have it removed at homeowner’s expense. If a bush or tree dies because of ground cover invasion they will not be replaced at the Village’s expense.

Welcome committee: A welcome packet was dropped off to Mary Curran and Margaret Dolan at 539. Linda and Spence Videon 556 and Lisa and Michael Psenicska 574 have not moved in yet.

Pool committee: Dom Aleardi and Jeanette Schmid will schedule a meeting this month with Margaret Callahan and Bill Shipley to discuss management of the pool.

Documents: Mike advised that we should go over the Franklin Village rules to see if any up-dating is needed. The last review was in 2020.

Old Business: We still have parking issues in the Upper cul-de-sac. Council is considering painting stripes in the problem areas. The lights at Mill and Chandler near our wall were not working at times. The light pole by the walking trail crossing is out. We also discussed the leaning poles on Mill Rd. This is a Master Association responsibility and was informed months ago. Dom has been in contact with Ed McFalls about this issue and was told it will be corrected. We are still waiting.

New Business: Rackover law suit – they have requested a jury trial. The Association’s insurance carrier has assigned counsel. Said Counsel will be in touch with CSK for any pertinent information needed.

An email was sent reminding residents that Christmas trees can be put out for trash pickup this week. The new vendor, Blosenski, has started collecting our trash and recycling. So far there have been no complaints.

Snow Removal: HML’s fees for snow removal will now be based on the number of inches per snowfall rather than per event. Franklin Village will also be billed separately for each specific service such as salting, shoveling and cleanup.
Janet noted that HML can return after snow has been cleared to do a follow-up cleaning, only with approval of council.

Meeting adjourned at 2:25 PMThe next council meeting is 2PM 2/14/22 at Sullivan House, barring any new Covid restrictions?


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