Village Council Meeting – July 21, 2022

In Attendance:  Jay Harter, Margaret Callahan, Bob Gottschall, Bill Shipley and Janet Burgess.  Also Dominic Aleardi and Diane Carlin of the Architectural Committee joined at 9:00 AM.

Paul and Jackie Welle joined at 9:30 AM.

Jay Harter left at 10:00 AM.

Not Attending:  Mike Pincus

Meeting called to order at 8:48 AM by Margaret Callahan.

June 15, 2022 Meeting minutes were already approved and distributed.

Financial:  Jay Harter reported the budget has currently been overspent by $15,000 due to Landscaping rejuvenation.  Jay said we will be able to cover the overage without an assessment.

He also suggested investing the $600,000 in cash in 3% CDs for 4 years offered by Franklin Mint where we already have accounts.  There is $135,000 invested in a CD that matures in2024. After discussing possible options, the recommendation was to invest $400,000 in the Franklin Mint CDs leaving $200,000 in cash available for immediate use.

Committee Updates:

Architectural: The following is a summary provide by Margaret Callahan.

Dom Aleardi and Diane Carlin attended the July 21, 2022 Council meeting to discuss the Architectural Committee’s decision to deny approval of the request for an Enclosed Patio at 548 Franklin. They explained that the Franklin Village rules/guidelines, as written, do not support the following proposed items:

  • Sliding windows vs. Franklin Village casement window.
  • Matching window color to the siding (lighter clay color that frames the window) vs. Franklin Village brown.
  • There was a difference of opinion about whether the structure is semi-permanent or permanent.

All parties agreed the Paradigm brand is acceptable. Council acknowledges the sliding window (Paradigm Series 8) does not have the desire ‘flat’ frame similar to our current casement windows.

Paul and Jackie Welle appealed the decision to Council, in order to get a better understanding of the denial, and to present a case for an update of the FV rules/guidelines based on current building materials, costs, quality, and warranty.

As a result of the discussion with both parties, Council requests the full Architectural Committee consider the following changes to the Architectural rules/guidelines.

  1. Eliminate distinguishing between permanent and semi-permanent structure in order to streamline the different rules for both.
  2. Allow vinyl windows as an additional option to metal wood clad.
  3. Allow window color to match siding clay color (the lighter of the clay colors). This would only apply to windows on an Addition, not windows on the main house.
  4. Allow sliding windows as an option. This would only apply to windows on an Addition, not windows on the main house.

The Architectural Committee is challenged with making decisions that are consistent, best for the majority, and current.  Council appreciates the time and energy spent by the Architectural Committee to keep requests on a ‘level playing field’ so we don’t have glaring inconsistencies from house to house.

Council recognizes that we currently have many houses with variation to our rules/guidelines, and for that reason, did not find this specific request to be out of line within the Village.  Therefore, the Council approves the Architectural request appeal for 548 Franklin Way, including the sliding windows and window color to match the siding.  We approve as a Case Study, and request a follow up visit to 548 from Council, after completion, in order to have an opportunity to observe the color and window choices, and their effect on the architectural appearance within our village.

Council will send a letter of approval to the Welle’s.

Thank you to the entire Architectural Committee for your cooperation and participation.


Landscaping:  Bob Gottschall related how the committee had produced a very detailed list of landscaping needs and had been doing a great job.

Welcome Committee:  The Satterfields were welcomed.

Pool Committee:  The pool has been having Calcium Hardness and chlorine issues which are being addressed.  Janet Burgess will check the status having the electricity supply connected. An electrician has been chosen.

Documents Committee:  No update due to Mike Pincus being absent.

Communications: All communications requested have been sent.

Garage & Street Lights:  Dominic Aleardi gave Kevin Callahan the supply of light bulbs he had. If homeowners notice any light burned out they should contact Kevin Callahan.

Maintenance: Dominic Aleardi told of the garage door jams being sprayed with Critter Ridder and that some needed to be fixed and painted. Dominic Aleardi stated that many deck posts need to be painted and that he has paint sticks of the correct color (Dark Brown). Margaret Callahan asked about mail box numbers as several are missing.

Old Business: There was a discussion of the drain line problem that may be causing sink holes. Janet Burgess reported that Softdig was the company that was going to check the drain lines.  Bill Shipley stated that Softdig had been in his cul-de-sac examining the storm drain.  Janet Burgess will check with Softdig.  They had requested a map of the drain lines which Janet asked Ed McFalls for.  She felt the map was not that helpful.  Dominic Aleardi said he had a map of the drain lines that he will have copies made for Janet Burgess so she can provide it to Softdig. There have been several issues (leaks) with the piping under our roads in the past few years. This is occurring in other villages as well. Council agreed we need to stay vigilant and proactive on the issues, as these tend to be high-cost repairs.

New Business: Bob Gottschall brought possible changes to the election procedure. The possibility of mail-in ballots using a secrecy envelope was discussed. Janet Burgess thought it would add costs and would be difficult to administer. The idea of 2 people helping Janet to count votes was suggested, and agreed upon. Currently all ballots and tally sheets are kept for one year.

There was a recommendation that future letters about garage doors being left open should take a gentler approach, and will start with a reminder from Council (vs. CSK) to the Resident, reminding them that our rules state that garage doors should be kept closed.

Janet Burgess explained that individual homeowner files were not transferred over from the previous management company, Midatlantic, when CSK took over in 2017.

The next council meeting will be held on Thursday September 22, 2022 at 9:00am

Meeting was adjourned at 11:07 am.

Respectfully submitted by Bill Shipley

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