Village Council Meeting – June 15, 2022

In Attendance:  Mike Pincus, Jay Harter, Margaret Callahan, Bob Gottschall, Bill Shipley and Janet Burgess

May 25, 2022 Annual Meeting minutes were already approved and distributed.

Financial:  Jay Harter reported the budget is on track.

The Landscape budget is over the $25,000 planned due to rejuvenation, but we were able to cover the expense without pulling from the Reserves.

The shed and reflector posts funds did come from the Reserves.

Income is close to what was budgeted even though home sales are down.

Margaret Callahan asked about the water bills being monitored for increases that might indicate leaking. Jay Harter said he was monitoring the water usage on the 7 bills from AQUA.


Committee Updates:

Mike Pincus said he has received positive comments about the new committees.

Bob Gottschall brought up the question of how committees are selected. In the past when residents volunteered, they would be given the position they sought because there was no competition. The President of the Council would also choose committee chairs. Since there is nothing specified in the Village Rules, a discussion took place about updating written rules about committee selection.  Bob Gottschall will develop rules for committee selection. Council members can email Bob with any suggestions.

Architectural: Dominic Aleardi will be chair of the committee. Committee members are Diane Carlin, Julie Herring, Sandy Ogletree, Jeanette Schmid, Joyce Goodman, and Mike Webber. Paul Welle and Bob Cohen will be notified, by Bob Gottschall, that the committee is full but they will be considered if any vacancies arise.

An Architectural walk around was done. Recommendations concerning patio enclosures will be coming soon. An Architectural request from a resident concerning replacing a patio enclosure was reviewed by the committee. The resident will be contacted for clarification and additional details.

Some decks had paint that is fading and wood that is rotting. Homeowners will be notified by the committee.

Landscaping:  Michelle Cohen and JackKeeley are co-chairs. The committee did a walk around of the village. Recommendations will be forthcoming. The Proposal for Nutgrass Control from Hershey’s Mill Landscaping was approved, $775.  The problem with invasive ground cover was discussed.  The Landscape committee may help residents who can’t do their own trimming/cleanup of the invasive ground cover.

Welcome Committee:  No new residents this year.

Pool Committee:  The pool volunteers have been doing a great job with the pool. The cement around the pool may need to be replaced. It has been repaired many times. It continues to crack and lift up.

The shed needs to have the electricity supply connected. This will require a permit from the township. Jay will check with Dominic Aleardi.

Documents Committee:  An update is needed to the section on pet regulations. Mike Pincus will have the committee come up with updates.

Communications: All communications requested have been sent.  We are up to 112 email addresses receiving our communications.  There are still 4 residents having communications hand delivered. Judy Jurgen will continue to update the Committee lists.

Web Page: Photos from the recent Cocktail Party at the Community Center have been posted.

Garage & Street Lights:  Kevin Callahan replaced 8 lights so far.  They will use the new storage shed for storage.  If homeowners notice any light burned out they should contact Kevin Callahan.

Maintenance: Dominic Aleardi will chair the committee.  Dominic will attend the HM Maintenance Managers Meeting on June 30, 2022. Dominic installed shelving in the shed.

Homeowner issues:  A homeowner asked about the election results from May 25, 2022. They were told that the number of votes was not published but they could review the ballots at the CSK office in King of Prussia. After a discussion of the elections results being published, a motion was made by Bob Gottschall, seconded by Bill Shipley, to publish the results of the Franklin Village elections.  The motion failed.  3 against, 2 in favor.

A homeowner requested power washing. Jay Harter said power washing is scheduled for the fall of 2022. Power washing is budgeted for every other year.

A homeowner reported that their steps were cracking and needed repair. Mike Pincus will take photos.

A homeowner asked about getting carpenter bees exterminated. Carpenter bee traps are available at the Wood Shop for $15.  Extermination is not recommended due to cost and ineffectiveness.  Homeowners can choose to do on their own, at their own expense.

Old Business: Walking Path – Mike Pincus requested a meeting be scheduled with the residents directly affected. Bill Shipley will get the list of interested parties from Judy Jurgan and send an email.

The sinkhole repair is temporary because there is a leaking pipe that needs to be investigated and repaired.  Jay Harter will get estimates for the additional work.

Gutter cleaning was completed. Gutter cleaning is scheduled for 2x a year.

New Business: Bob Gottschall brought up parking for clarification about the definition of “in use” that is stated in the rules. Further specification may be needed. Mike will look into parking spacing (distance) regulations/guidelines. Complaints from residents will be investigated by the council.

The next council meeting will be held on Thursday July 21, 2022 at 9:00am

Meeting was adjourned at 10:29 am.

Respectfully submitted by Bill Shipley

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