July 25, 2023, 9 AM, Malvern Rm., Community Center
In attendance: Margaret Callahan, Jay Harter, Bill Shipley, Bob Gottschall, Jack Keeley and Janet Burgess (CSK)
Meeting called to order 9:00 Malvern Room, Community Center.
Revised June meeting notes approved via email.
Financial-Jay Harter: Current ytd. P & L figures show a positive $22,836, mostly due to the snow account. He handed out an estimated reserve study utilizing estimated roofing/gutter costs for 2023 as well as projected figure through 2026.
Architectural-Bob Gottschall: Bob commended both architectural and Landscape chair people for doing a great job. Bob discussed the issue of painting the deck support beams of some (6+) homes and they should be billed direct. He will work with the owners to get them stained to proper color, at their own expenses. The Architectural committee should determine which entrance doors should be painted. Bill handed out the current committee lists with new Architectural member(s) listed.
We had an extensive discussion re the proposed enclosure at 537. The addition itself was approved by Council but we had many questions about the 10ft by 7ft concrete pad. We determined the material could be Pavers, not concrete but questioned the size. Also, the grill and the AC condenser needed to be located. Bob Gottschall volunteered to meet with the residents at 537 to clarify. 564 beam staining was resolved.
Landscaping-Bob Gottschall: We discussed the items on the Burkholder quote. It may be that a few items don’t need to be done which would bring the quote under budget. Margaret will discuss with Michel Cohen. The Burkholder (health care for trees) quote for what she is doing now is $1560 (under budget). The trees that will be removed (by AC Tree) will occur next year). The majority of the Landscaping Committee and the homeowner near the one tree in question agreed with the idea of giving it a shot to save. They think the roots had been disturbed when drainage issues were addressed near that garage, but the arborist believes it has a fairly good chance of surviving and is worth trying.
Welcoming Committee: up to date on visits to new owners. Jack will forward the new form for new owners with the paragraph on dogs added.
Pool Committee- Bill and Margaret: Pool getting lots of use this year. Tony Hanson helping out with water testing. Also getting help from Rich, the new owner of 606 who just sold his pool company. Problems with communication with Guliani Pool company. Send last check back and cancel remainder of contract. Looking to do all pool work ourselves for the remainder of the year and into the future. Plan to switch to saltwater pool in 2024.
Communications- Bill and Margaret as back up: Will share responsibilities in village communication.
Maintenance- Bill Shipley: Jack volunteered to help with the street crack filling. Will check with Mike Burkholder when best time to accomplish.
Lights- Kevin Callahan: no issues
Docs Committee: Looking to modify Docs to eliminate the reference to a specific deductible amount for insurance. Margaret will work on the wording.
Old business: Bachman’s quote looked a little high for gutters. Not really an issue now as it’s a few years in the future. Margaret will talk to Paul Welle re being the liaison between Bachman and the owners on Skylight/other issues. Jack showed samples of new signs some villages were updating. We decided to drop the idea of an outside (resident) painter soliciting owners to paint windows that had faded. Bill will forward security system failures to the specific owner who will be responsible to contact HM Security for verification and then contact West Chester Security to have fixed. We should send an email to all owners explaining the process and the importance of having it fixed asap. Grading at 540/541 has been resolved, 536 (garage – HML contacted by Jack to look at) and 602 has an ongoing issue with water in basement (Michelle to look at). 566/567 gets good bit of water in garage (Michelle working on this issue).
Meeting ended at 12:10PM
Next meeting TBD