Village Council Meeting – March 8, 2021

Meeting called to order at 4:00pm

In Attendance:  Jack Keeley, Jay Harter, Dom Aleardi, Michael Pincus, Judy Jurgan and Janet Burgess

Reading of the February minutes was waived.


PECO: 2 new switches have been installed to direct power to 2 different areas if one is out of power, which could reduce the time electricity is out in one of our 4 PECO areas. More trees will be removed or trimmed on Greenhill Rd.

HM Bus: The bus is not yet making trips but once it does, approximately 15 people will be allowed on the bus at one time. They are waiting on the Governor’s update.

Community Center Addition:  The drawings are not done but they have sketches that will be taken to the Township to see what E. Goshen will demand with regard to different construction regulations. There is a possibility that because it’s an addition to an original building they might require sprinklers. Preliminary drawings will be ready in a month.

Covid 19: Karl Gretz updated everyone’s concerns. Right now they are following Governor Wolf’s guidelines of 10 to 15% occupation. 150 are allowed at an outdoor activity. I brought up the concerts and if the governor increases the number above 400, we could have concerts. However, he is still calling for people to be 6 feet apart. They are looking into putting a generator in the Community Center so if the power goes out, people using oxygen can go there and heat will also be available. Another option would be solar panels that would allow for battery back-up for a while.

Technical Committee:  They are working with Paoli Hospital and Chester County Hospital to get a group vaccine here at HM. But we are not an assisted living facility. Since they are still working on inoculating occupants and workers at all the assisted care facilities first, by the time that is complete many of our owners will have already scheduled their shots.

Sports Group:  There is a problem with moving the bocce court over to near the Wood Shop because of impervious coverage issues with E. Goshen. There are 5 villages right now having problems with water. The villages have to build retention basins to hold the water so it doesn’t flood the villages which will offset the coverage issues with the new bocce courts. Several trees were removed by the current bocce courts in the area where they hope to be put a restroom.

SEWER & LAGOON:  They are going to treat the lagoon and the sewer system itself. Primarily it will be done with air dispensers and chemical treatments. New directors have been elected to the Greenhill Sewer Association.



FINANCIAL: We haven’t received the last snow removal bill but it appears that there may not be a need to have an assessment since we had sufficient money budgeted.

Architectural:  There will be no change in the awning that was previously approved.

Roadways: The seams in our road joints are starting to open up and need to be sealed. It will be scheduled this year. Janet Burgess made some recommendations of whom to use for this job.

Landscape:  HML is finally trimming the shrubs. Two units had trees removed and they will be replaced with shrubs. Our village will be mulched this year. It will probably be done in the next month or so.

Pool:  The pool was drained. Curt will be putting in the new gate and repairing the decking as weather permits.

Sales: Unit 525 has been sold.

The next council meeting is 4/12/21, also on Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at 4:55PM


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