The Yellow Dot+ Program is a voluntary three-part Medical Emergency Preparation initiative that helps HM residents organize their important personal health information and make that information available in a consistent way to EMS in the event of a medical emergency at home and away from home. Originally developed as the successful Urgent Care Program for the Princeton Village, this revised scaled-down Yellow Dot+ Emergency Medical Preparation Program is the first of what is hoped to be many future health and safety programs offered through Yellow Dot+ for the entire Hershey’s Mill community.
HM’s Security Director, Marc Fraser, has encouraged and supported this program to go Mill wide, because Security receives dozens of calls annually where a resident is alone and/or unresponsive, incoherent, or unable to make decisions or provide information for themselves. In 2023, 312 of the calls to Security involved residents needing EMS care and transport to the hospital. Fraser noted that the Yellow Dot+ Program, now will allow all HM residents to have their medical information well organized and available in their own homes and in their vehicles in the “Golden Hour” when delivering the correct emergency care is very important.
Here is more General Information of the HM Yellow Dot+ Program and the handout from informational meetings.
A fillable PDF for your medical information
You can download this to your computer and fill in your information and then print it so you have copies for both home and your car.
Download from this page:
Adding your medical information to a cell phone
Apple iPhone: APPLEiPhoneYDOT
Android phone: AndroidPhoneYDOT
Some Background
For starters, you can just Google Yellow Dot. You might want to add another word or two such as safety or state programs to eliminate things like Yellow Dot Heat & Air. There is quite a bit of free information out there but we’ll just add a bit we think might be of interest to the Hershey’s Mall folks.
Pennsylvania has a Yellow Dot Program. It doesn’t seem to be well known The webmaster has been here for more than 15 years and I just heard about it last week when someone mentioned that she had been participating for about 10 years. If you want to read about it it is here: But for HM residents, it is much easier through the program here.
Many states have yellow dot programs, including most in the I-95 corridor.