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Microsoft’s PC Manager (Apr 2024)

Technology Tips – Published April 2024 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett
PC Manager is a relatively new PC cleanup tool from Microsoft. It removes deleted, unneeded and used once but not deleted files. You can download the free app from the Microsoft Store. It will install itself automatically and put a shortcut on the Desktop screen.

I installed the app and did a fairly intensive test comparing its effectiveness with Wise Disk Cleaner, my recommended cleanup tool. I set it up to run at a maximum removal level. My testing showed a rather dismal showing of only 37% of the junk files were removed. Whether this is due to just conservative parameters imbedded in the app or possibly a lack of other items that aren’t made available to clean. My guess it’s a combination of the two. One thing I do like that it’s fast, safe and with better programming it may do a better job of cleaning in the future.

Click the shortcut for PC Manager to get started. You’ll start in the Home position. Next to Boost click Set Smart Boost and turn it on. This a memory controller that comes into play under high memory usage conditions. It will work best on computers that have 8 Gbs or less of installed memory. Next, click Boost on the blue bar to activate. Click Health Check. You can accept all the pre-checked items then click Proceed. Click Deep Cleaning. You can accept the pre-checked items or click details next to unchecked items for more info. Process can be ignored as it is a list of running programs. Startup displays a list of programs that start up at power on. They should be minimized to help the computer boot up quickly and minimize overall memory usage. Anti-virus files must load at startup but others can be optional. Third party programs are known for using this category to get a jump on startup at the expense of your startup time. These programs do not have to start at boot up or at all. They are usually delivered when your computer is turned on the first time but they continue until you uninstall them or turn them off in Startup. Protection does not do any cleaning but is more of a status report on the listed items. One item, Pop-up management, does offer to block pop-ups so click it then click Enable pop-up block. Click Storage then click Processing. The Apps items offers a repeat of Process and Startup items shown in the Home category. The Toolbox is a work in progress showing only memory usage, screenshot (used to send Microsoft shots of pop-ups when they bypass the pop-up blocker) and the Settings icon.

If you want a fast, safe but incomplete cleanup, then PC Manager is for you. You should run it weekly if you are a moderate to heavy user. Wise Disk Cleaner users can do their cleanup monthly.

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Computer Privacy (Dec 2022)

Technology Tips – Published December 2022 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett

Cookies, beacons, digital signatures, trackers, and other technologies you probably haven’t heard of let advertisers, businesses, governments, and even criminals build a profile about what you do, who you know, and who you are at very intimate levels of detail. Back in 2012, a story about how a major store could tell a teenager was pregnant before her parents knew was based on her online activities. It’s still that way today. Google and Facebook are the most notorious commercial internet spies, and among the most pervasive, but they are hardly alone.

Are you defenseless against these invasive probes for information? No, you are not. But you must take defensive action.

It’s important to understand what is typically tracked. Most websites and services don’t actually know it’s you at their site. All they know is that it is a browser associated with a lot of characteristics that can then be turned into a profile. Marketers and advertisers are looking for certain kinds of people, and they use profiles to do so. For that need, they don’t care who the person actually is. Neither do criminals and organizations seeking to commit fraud or manipulate an election.

Signing up at a web site is a very favorable way for web sites to build a profile about you. If they ask for personal information like your name, age, gender, address and phone number be suspicious of their intent. They will comb through everything they can in your computer to build their profile about your online activities. Depending on the web site your information can be for sale across the Internet. You can foresee that it will spread just like Covid.

Since your choice of browsers is extremely important regarding your privacy concerns, choose one that is highly rated such as Microsoft’s Edge. Mozilla’s Firefox is also very good. Chrome is not the browser to use if you are concerned about how your information may be used.

To help you set up high level privacy on your MS Edge browser, please read my earlier articles about privacy on our web site at: https://hersheysmill.org/resources/technology/computer-security-tips/microsoft-edge-and-security-feb-2022/ and https://hersheysmill.org/resources/technology/general-computer-printer-tips/pc-ad-blockers-updated-june-2022/ which discusses adding extensions to Edge for ad blocking as well as privacy.

When you are done, run an online test of your security by going to the following web site: https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/. Scroll down and click TEST YOUR BROWSER. Wait until the test completes. Scroll down to view your results. You should see strong protection against Web tracking in your results.

Yes, there are even more things you can do, but to keep privacy at a reasonably high level this will go a long way