- Area & Government Links
- Contacts
- FIOS tips
- Fraud prevention
- HM Yellow Dot Plus
- Landscaping/Planting Ideas for Residents
- Tech Tips (from G&D)
- A User’s Guide for our Hershey’s Mill Website plus a FIOS Tip (Jan 2020)
- Correcting FIOS Set Top Box Problems (Oct 2018)
- FIOS and Power Outages (Oct 2019)
- FIOS Favorites (Sept 2018)
- FIOS Router Password (Jan 2019)
- FIOS Tips – WI-FI and Set Top Box Timer (July 2018)
- Optimize FIOS TV (June 2018)
- Robo Calls and FIOS (May 2018)
- The Switch to Verizon FIOS (Apr 2017)
- Understanding FIOS 150/150 Internet Connection Speeds (Aug 2018)
- Verizon FIOS Transition (Feb 2018)
- Verizon Problem of TV Turning Back on After Turning Off (Feb 2024)
- Television and Phone Technology Tips
- Computer Security Tips
- 2015 Computer Security Summary
- AdwCleaner
- AI (Artificial Intelligence) Can Crack Passwords (June 2023)
- Anti-Malware Program
- Anti-Virus Program – Choosing
- Bitdefender Free Antivirus (Sept 2017)
- Browser Security – Updated (May 2017)
- Computer Privacy (Dec 2022)
- Credit card hacked (Dec 2021)
- Facebook Ads
- Guard Against Being Hacked-April 2025
- Increase Your Windows XP Security
- Is your PC Hacked? (Aug 2024)
- Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Version 3 (Mar 2017)
- Malwarebytes Version 3.6.1 (Nov 2018)
- Microsoft Edge and security (Feb 2022)
- Microsoft Store Ads On-Off (Nov 2024)
- Privacy – Windows 11 (May 2023)
- Ransomware (Feb 2019)
- Ransomware (July 2021)
- Rogue Anti-Virus Infections
- Toolbars
- Virtual Private Networks – VPN’s (July 2022)
- Vishing & Quishing (July 2024)
- Windows XP – Security
- General Computer / Printer Tips
- 6 Emergency Procedures to Shut Down/Reboot Windows 10/11 (Aug 2023)
- AI Tool – Copilot (Jan 2024)
- Backing up Your Computer’s Files (Mar 2021)
- Browser – “New” Microsoft Edge (Sep 2020)
- Buying a New Computer (Feb 2020)
- ChatGPT (Mar 2023)
- Computer Networking (Jan 2018)
- Copying Photos From a Mobile Phone to a Windows 10 PC (Aug 2019)
- Core Isolation – Memory Integrity (Nov 2022)
- DISM and SFC File Repair Tools (Sep 2023)
- Fingerprint Reader, Setting up (Oct 2022)
- Hold Down the Power Button – A Quick Tip (Mar 2018)
- Improve Startup Performance for Windows 10 (Nov 2021)
- Keyboard Shortcut Saves Keystrokes (Dec 2023)
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Laptop (Win10) Touchpad (Feb 2021)
- Laptop Batteries
- Laptop Battery – Extend Your Usage (July 2023)
- Laptop Maintenance
- LibreOffice (Apr 2019)
- Maintain & Clean up Your Windows (Apr 2018)
- Maintenance Importance
- Microsoft Edge – Install Web Sites as Apps (Aug 2022)
- Microsoft Sound Recorder (Windows 11) (Named Voice Recorder in Windows 10)(Nov 2023)
- Microsoft’s PC Manager (Apr 2024)
- More on AI (Artificial Intelligence)-Apr 2023
- Optimizing Windows 10/11 (May 2022)
- PC Ad Blockers (Updated – June 2022)
- Printer Trouble Shooting
- Printer Trouble Shooting #2
- Protecting Your Computer
- Registry Backups (Sep 2019)
- Restarting Your Computer – the right way (Apr 2022)
- Screen Readability
- Set Your Router’s QOS (Quality of Service) (Dec 2017)
- Setting up a New Windows 8.1 PC
- Setting up a Windows 8.1 Computer
- Solid State Drives (SSDs)-June 2015
- Spouse Computer Training
- Tablet Computers
- Toolbars
- What is 5G? (Apr 2020)
- When to Install a Feature Update in Windows 10 (Jan 2022)
- Wi-Fi Password for Windows 10 or 11 (May 2024)
- Windows 10 Health Check (May 2020)
- Windows 10 (Aug 2015)
- Windows 10 – A Quick Introduction (Sept 2016)
- Windows 10 – New Screenshot Tool (Aug 2021)
- Windows 10 – Removing the Nag Notice (May 2016)
- Windows 10 – The Future of the PC
- Windows 10 Action Center (July 2016)
- Windows 10 Oddball Problems (July 2020)
- Windows 10 Personalization (Dec 2015)
- Windows 10 Printers (Dec 2016)
- Windows 10 Privacy Settings (Nov 2015)
- Windows 10 Privacy – Revisited (Aug 2017)
- Windows 10 Reliability Monitor (Nov 2017)
- Windows 10 Repair & Recovery (Feb 2016)
- Windows 10 Safety Net (Nov 2016)
- Windows 10 Shortcuts for Settings (Nov 2020)
- Windows 10 Taskbar (Mar 2016)
- Windows 10 Themes (Feb 2017)
- Windows 10 Toolbox (May 2019)
- Windows 10 Updates – What You Need to Know (Aug 2020)
- Windows 10 Version 1903 (Nov 2019)
- Windows 10 Version 1903 Disk Cleanup (Dec 2019)
- Windows 10 – New Feature Updates (July 2019)
- Windows 10 – Privacy (Oct 2021)
- Windows 10, Getting started (Oct 2015)
- Windows 11 Update 24H2 – Again
- Windows 11 Update: 24H2 (Dec 2024)
- Windows 11 – What? (Sep 2021)
- Windows 7
- Windows 8 and 8.1 Hibernation File Setting
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 8.1 – Restore, Refresh or Reset (July 2015)
- Windows 8.1 – Using
- Windows 8.1 computer – Setting Up
- Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (Jan 2016)
- Windows Update Issues (Feb 2023)
- Windows Update Reliability (Dec 2018)
- Windows Update – Update (June 2021)
- Wireless Networking (Wi-Fi) in Windows 10 (Oct 2017)
- Computer Internet & eMail Tips
- ADS – Block Web Ads – Use Adblock Plus
- Are You Really Safe from Malware?
- Comcast Email – Spam (June 2020)
- Comcast Email Issues (Oct 2020)
- Comcast Inbox Emails (Jan 2021)
- Google’s Chrome Browser
- Improving Wi-Fi Signal Strength (Oct 2024)
- Internet Browser – Solving Problems
- Internet Explorer Problems
- Phishing Emails
- Using Google
- Windows Live Mail
- Performance & Maintenance Tips
- Backing Up Your Files
- Basic Computer Maintenance
- Boot-Up Error Messages
- Browser Changes
- C Cleaner Program – Using
- CCleaner – Hard Drive
- Checking/Repairing Hard Drive Errors
- Cleanmgr +
- Computer Freezes – What to do When
- Computer Maintenance
- Computer Maintenance – Beginners
- Computer Updates
- Desktop
- Free – Wise Disk Cleaner and Registry Cleaner Programs (Mar 2022)
- Hard Drive Health
- Maint. Outlook Express and Mail
- Maintain & Clean up Your Windows 7, 8 & 10 PC (Jun 2017)
- Monthly Computer Maintenance
- Networking – Wireless
- Repairing and Testing Your PC
- Speed Up Your PC
- Toolbars
- Tweak Your PC for Optimum Performance (June 2024)
- Using the Action Center on a Windows 8.1 PC
- Using the Control Panel
- Windows 7 Tips and Tweaks
- Windows 8 Interface
- Windows XP – Moving Files to Windows 8.1
- XP Updates to End
- Volunteer Opportunities