In Attendance: Margaret Callahan, Jay Harter, Jack Keeley, Bill Shipley and Janet Burgess
Absent: Bob Gottschall,
Meeting called to order at 9:02 AM by Margaret Callahan.
Election results from May 24, 2023 approved. Council members are:
President – Margaret Callahan
Vice President – Bill Shipley
Treasurer – Jay Harter
Secretary – Jack Keeley
Council at Large – Bob Gottschall
May 3, 2023 Meeting minutes were approved.
Financial: Jay Harter asked for clarification concerning 2 charges to Franklin Village in April. First a charge of $670 from Horn Plumbing. The charge was for fixing a sewer pipe clog at 586. The pipe was clogged with roots. The estimate for completing the fix is in excess of $4000. The cost will be split with the home owner. Second was a charge for $900 to replace the security control panel at 566. Master Association is investigating replacements for the security panels. Margaret will contact Mark Fraser about the replacements. Security failures are supposed to be reported to council, the list of council members needs to be updated.
$10,600 was received from home sales so far this year.
606 asked about skylights when roofs are replaced. Bachmann had missed 606, they had stopped at 605.
606 was given Bachmann’s contact information.
Jay met with our bank concerning early withdrawals to cover roof replacement. They will cost $6600 but the interest we received will cover it.
Discussion of roof replacement costs and what is or is not covered, specifically gutters. Matt Kennedy was contacted for clarification.
Decision was made to keep assessment for roofs at $600.
A question of whether cedar shakes are still on some of the roofs came up. Bachmann will have to check on what is under the shingles on all homes.
Margaret suggested having Mike Pincus be the project manager for the roof replacements.
Committee Updates:
Architectural: The Architectural Committee has a list of front doors that thought needed painting.
The new committee members will be Paul Welle, Allan Soldwich, and Mary Ann DiNunzio. Mike Weber and Joyce Goodman will remain on the committee.
New residents of 606 have asked about fixing their back steps. Jack will contact them.
The deck at 535 has been on a list requiring painting. The house is currently on the market. There was a discussion of when a letter should be sent, before the sale or after..
Landscaping: Pat Thomas is the new co-chair for the committee.
Pool Committee: There was a problem with free chlorine being too high reported by Tony Hanson. Tony bought a testing tool to be able to check chemical levels more often.
Communications: Bill Shipley will keep doing communications. We will start using to send out village communications. One Drive for that email account can also be used for village documents.
Garage & Street Lights: Kevin Callahan is being contacted by residents to replace lights.
Maintenance: Dom Aleardi has stepped down as chair. Bill Shipley is still on the committee.
Old Business: Storm water drain fixes have not been completed. Mike Pincus will continue to work with Ed McFalls concerning the drainage issues.
Parking issues continue. 562 complaints about car from 571 being parked in a space they think they should be reserved for them. Residents at 539 and 541 continue to have disagreement about parking. 539 has requested a handicap space be designated for them. A letter about parking will be sent to all residents to clarify the rules and remind residents there are not designated parking spots by house number and residents are encouraged to work with each other to figure out the best solution for all.
New Business: None.
The next council meeting on Monday July 24, 2023 at 9:00 AM.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:12 AM.
Respectfully submitted by Bill Shipley