79 search results for "advanced options"

Internet Browser – Solving Problems

Solving Internet Browsing Problems                                             By Don Trauger – Kennett

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to click a reset button on your computer to make any problems disappear? You could click it and everything would work again. That’s not about to happen in the broad sense but there are reset buttons on Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google’s Chrome. These are the three most popular Internet browser programs. These three programs allow you to view web sites, check your email and search for information. Internet Explorer automatically comes with Windows and is identified as a blue letter “e” with a diagonal gold band. If you want to try Firefox, it can be downloaded from http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/ and Chrome can be downloaded from www.filehippo.com. You don’t need all three and computer users usually choose one or the other based on personal preferences. I will say this; Chrome is perceived to offer better protection and is recommended for on-line banking and other situations where security is to be considered.

          The reset button comes into play whenever something goes wrong when you are using    any one of the aforementioned programs. What can go wrong is not limited to any particular function within the program. It may be that a web page doesn’t display properly, email can’t be sent or possibly there is a printing problem. Internet Explorer seems more prone than the others to problems requiring a reset.

          To reset Internet Explorer open Internet Explorer, click Tools (gear icon) in the upper right corner and click Internet Options in the drop down menu. In the pop-up window click the Advanced tab. Next click the Reset button. In the second pop-up window click the Reset button. It’s not usually necessary to delete personal settings. This operation reinitializes Internet Explorer. Follow any screen prompts to finish the reset operation using suggested defaults.

          Google Chrome can be reset by opening Chrome, then click the 3 bar icon in the upper right of the window. Click Settings in the drop down menu. Scroll down and click “Show advanced settings”. Scroll to the bottom then click “Reset browser settings”. In the pop-up window click the Reset button. It will be necessary to restore your home page after resetting Chrome. To do this, open Chrome and type in your home page address. Click the 3 gray bars, click settings and under “On startup” choose “Open a specific page or set of pages” then click “Set pages”. Next click “Use current pages” and OK the window.

          Firefox can be reset by opening Firefox, click Help, then click Troubleshooting Information and click Reset Firefox. To restore your home page open Firefox, type in your home page address, click Tools, click Options in the drop down Menu and click “Use Current Page” and OK the window.

          In summary these resets are meant for correcting problems within these three browser programs. I recommend that you have one other Internet browser program installed so you can compare to see if the problem exists in the second one. You can have all three if you wish to evaluate the best one for your needs.

          The PC Club meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7 PM, upstairs in the Ardmore room of the Community Center.

PC Ad Blockers (Updated – June 2022)

Technology Tips – Published June 2022 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett

I wrote about ad blockers in Dec. 2020 and now is the time to revisit the subject to see which ones are best. You may have heard of the term but you may be unsure as to what all they do. Ad blockers are small apps that only work when they are added to your web browser such as Chrome or Edge. They are referred to as extensions or add-ons. Their main purpose is to block ads that can slow the loading speed of web pages. Of course, the benefit is that you see few or no ads on the web page you entered in your browser. However, there’s more to an ad blocker than just blocking ads.


Having an ad blocker installed can also give you an unseen benefit. Ads can carry malware so if you block ads, you gain added protection over and above what your anti-virus program offers. So, which one is best? Using my personal testing it’s still AdBlock Plus by a small margin.


One thing I found out during my testing is that Microsoft’s Edge has better native security characteristics than either Google’s Chrome or Firefox. When Edge is configured to “Strict” mode, Edge made less work for the extensions tested. You can read my previous article about Edge here: https://hersheysmill.org/?s=Edge.


Although AdBlock Plus is my #1 recommendation, Adblocker Ultimate also does a good job. In testing I have run up to 5 ad blockers and 2 other anti-tracking extensions at the same time and there were no problems. The only thing I noticed was a very slight increase in page loading time of about 1 second.


To improve your security when using a browser install AdBlock Plus and AdBlocker Ultimate. To increase your privacy also add Disconnect. It prevents web sites from planting trackers that can follow you from site to site adding more potential unwanted ads and who knows what else. One other extension that I like is TrafficLight. Every time you do a Google search it places a green check next to each individual result. That means it’s safe to click the result.


Installing an ad blocker is quite easy. For Chrome, open the program, click the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner and navigate to “More tools” then click “Extensions”. On the upper left side click the 3 horizontal bars. At the bottom, click “Open Chrome Web Store.” In the “Search the store” field type “adblock plus” (no quotes) and press the keyboard’s Enter key. You should see the Adblock Plus icon. Click it to add to Chrome and follow any screen prompts. For the Microsoft Edge browser, open Edge then click the 3 horizontal dots in the upper right of the window, then click “Extensions”. Click “Manage extensions.” Scroll to the bottom and click “Chrome Web Store.” Follow the above instructions for adding Adblock Plus for Chrome to Edge. Add AdBlocker Ultimate using the same basic procedure. Notice that you can also add more extensions to Edge from the Chrome Web Store. That’s because Edge was developed using the same platform as Chrome. Note: Disconnect and TrafficLight can be added to Edge using the Chrome Web Store. Just follow the previous procedure for adding Adblock Plus for Chrome. After you click the selected icon, you will see a prompt to “Add to Chrome” even though you are using Edge follow the prompts.


After installation check to make sure the extensions are configured for maximum protection. For all extensions right click the newly added icon at the top right of the browser’s window and click “Options” (Chrome) or “Extension options” (Edge). For Adblock Plus, choose to “Block additional tracking,” “Block cookie warnings,” “Block push notifications” and “Block social media icons tracking.” Also, uncheck “Show Acceptable Ads.” For Adblocker Ultimate all options should be on, or green. TrafficLight options should be on, or blue. Disconnect has no configurable options.


That’s it for ad blockers but there are thousands of extensions you can add to browsers to enhance their usefulness. Just don’t add too many!

Using the Control Panel

            The Control Panel of the computer can be found by clicking the Start button or round orb on Windows 7 in the lower left corner of the screen, then clicking Control Panel which is on the right side of the pop-up Start menu. Why is this important you may ask?

            The Control Panel gives you access to various areas of your computer to view, enhance, or change its operation. You may never need to do this but knowing that it is there may give you a better idea of how to proceed should you wish to make changes in the computer’s operation. Click the Control Panel then, if necessary, Windows 7 users should click large icons and Windows XP users should click Switch to Classic View. Although there are nearly 50 icons in Windows 7 and 35 in Windows XP, not all need to be utilized by the user.

            Administrative Tools holds several interesting tools. The event viewer logs list errors logged by the computer for applications, security, and system. This can be a handy way to gain further insight into a computer’s problem. Computer Management lets you view the scheduled tasks, which usually run on a schedule, and Device Manager which shows if the software driver has been properly loaded for each device. There’s even a memory diagnostic listed for Windows 7.

            Devices and Printers (Windows 7) or Printers & Faxes (XP) list your installed printers. By right clicking the installed printer icon and clicking Printer Properties (Windows 7) or Properties for XP users, you can send a test page to the printer.

            Internet Options is probably the most popular one in the group. Here you can reset the home page for Internet Explorer. Sometimes unwanted programs will change your home page. If you open Internet Explorer, type in your desired address for your home page, then open Internet Options and click Use Current, you will reset your unwanted home page to your desired home page. Click the OK button and you are done. When you reopen Internet Explorer it should show the new home page.

            The Mouse allows you adjust the feel of your mouse as you click it or move the arrow across the screen. Here you can speed up or slow down the arrow to your liking.

            Network & Sharing (Windows 7) helps you set up the networking of additional computers but more importantly it assists in troubleshooting connection problems to the Internet. Clicking the red “X” that appears when there is a problem will start a diagnostic to help find the cause of the problem and suggest possible solutions.

            Performance Information and Tools (Windows 7) can give your Windows 7 computer a health check. When the window opens click Advanced Tools and click Generate a system health report.

            Power Options can adjust when the monitor goes to sleep as well as turning off the hard disk when not being used. It also can be used to adjust screen brightness on Windows 7 laptops.

            Programs & Features (Windows 7) or Add Remove Programs (XP) allows you to uninstall unneeded programs.

            The Security Center (Windows XP) will show you if your computer is properly protected. For Windows 7 users you can click the flag icon near the clock and open the Action Center to check your security.

            The System icon allows you to see hardware parameters that are set up for your computer. Unless you have experience it’s best to not to make any changes in this area.

            Although there are many more categories to explore, I’ve touched on a few of more popular ones. Be sure to attend the PC Computer Club meetings to get better acquainted with the Control Panel workings. We meet the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM upstairs in the Ardmore room of the Community Center.

Don Trauger – Kennett 

Windows 10 Oddball Problems (July 2020)

Technology Tips – Published July 2020 in the Guide and Digest

by Don Trauger – Kennett

Windows 10 has been available to us for over 5 years. We’ve seen a number of problems in that time period. One of the major problems is Microsoft itself not fully testing their updates. We end up being their guinea pigs. For more information on the subject please read my article on Microsoft Updates in the Nov. 2019 issue or click the following link to read it at our HM web site. https://hersheysmill.org/?s=advanced+options

Another area that has issues is the way Windows 10 boots up. Microsoft has a fast startup feature that does improve boot up speed but it can also introduce startup problems. Type Control Panel in the “Type here to search field” on your Desktop screen then click “Open”. Click Power Options. If you don’t see it, look at the upper right, click Click “Category” and choose “Large icons” then click “Power Options”. This fast startup feature can be turned off by clicking on “Choose what the power buttons do”. In the next window click “Change settings that are currently unavailable” that is near the top of the window. Now remove the check next to “Turn on fast startup (recommended)” and click “Save changes” at the bottom and close any open windows.

The fast startup feature captures all the information from memory and saves it in one file when you shut down the computer. Upon turning it back on it only has to read this one file to get the computer started and running. The problem that can arise is that it captures bad memory bits along with good memory bits. These bad bits can invoke all kinds of startup problems on the next power up start. This does not frequently happen but it’s not uncommon either. Yes, there is a downside to turning this feature off, in that the next time you restart the computer it will take twice as long to come up to the Desktop screen. In other words it starts the same way older versions of Windows started.

Remember to do your regular monthly maintenance to keep your Windows problems at a minimum. This is required and not an option or something like “I didn’t know you had to do anything”, Read about here: https://hersheysmill.org/resources/technology/computer-performance-maintenance-tips/wise-disk-cleaner-and-registry-cleaner-mar-2020/

Google’s Chrome Browser

Don Trauger – Kennett

What is a browser? It’s simply the computer program you use to explore various web sites on the Internet. Popular names include
Internet Explorer from Microsoft, which is part of every Windows PC, Firefox from Mozilla, Safari from Apple, and of course
Chrome from Google.

There is considerable competition among the leaders to develop and produce the fastest browser. For you as a user this should
result in faster loading of web pages. Does it really work? If you are a computer enthusiast I recommend you give it a try.

First, go to www.google.com, click on “more”, then click on “even more”, and finally click on Google Chrome. Next, click on
Download Google Chrome. In the next window choose to uncheck “Set Google Chrome as my default browser”. This means whatever browser
you are currently using will still be the browser that will automatically start when you click your Favorites. Click “Accept and Install”.
Save the download file to your Desktop. Now double click it to start installing Chrome then click Run. At the end of the installation
you may choose your search engine. Click your choice (Google is recommended but Bing is also good). Next, near the top of the window,
type your home page address in the field next to the magnifying glass and press the Enter key. You should see your normal home page if
you have an Internet connection. To set Chrome to display your home page every time you start it, click the “wrench” in the upper right
of the window then click Options, click the Basic tab, select “Open this page:” and type in your home page address. Also, you may want
to click “Show Home button on the toolbar”. Chrome is compatible with any other browser you may be using and it won’t cause problems.
If you like the way Chrome works you may opt to set Chrome as your default browser by clicking the “wrench” in the upper right corner,
click Options, click the Basic tab, and then click “Make Google Chrome my default browser”.

Other options include importing bookmarks, favorites, passwords, and history from your original browser. To import your data click
the “wrench”, then Options, click the Personal Stuff tab, then next to Browsing data: click “Import data from another browser”
then click Import. A more technical section, called Under the Hood, can customize the operation of Chrome.

Chrome does not offer a separate search engine field as does Internet Explorer. It simply reuses the address field for searches. All you
need to do is type your search information in the address field and press the Enter key. Neat!! This saves space and makes it easier to use.

In a speed test I find Chrome to be slightly faster than Internet Explorer. Although a second or two is not much faster, for lack of
a better expression, it just feels faster.

For a discussion of Google’s Chrome browser please attend the PC Computer Club meeting. It’s held the second Tuesday of every month
upstairs in the Community Center in the Ardmore Room at 7:00 PM. Also, your computer questions can be addressed at this time.

Windows 10 Shortcuts for Settings (Nov 2020)

Technology Tips – Published November 2020 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett

Want to see Windows 10 enable or disable your microphone with two clicks? Turn off your webcam? Manage your Wi-Fi settings? Remove unneeded Windows system files using Storage Sense? It’s easy.

Here’s how to make it work:

  1. Right-click any blank place on the Windows 10 Desktop.
  2. Choose New > Shortcut.
  3. Pick one of the ms-settings apps listed below and type it into the input box. (Hint: Copy & Paste it). For example, to open the Storage Sense app, type ms-settings:storagesense in the box marked “Type the location of the item”.
  4. Click Next, give the shortcut a name, like Storage Sense and click Finish.
  5. A new shortcut (Storage Sense) appears on your desktop. Double-click it, and the StorageSense app appears.

Storage Sense is a replacement for the old Windows Disk Cleanup. Use it to clean up unneeded Windows system files. Click to open it, wait until the wheels stop spinning, then click “Temporary files”. Wait until the scan completes then click “Remove files”. Wait until the removal process completes. NOTE: Windows Upgrade/Update files may take quite a while to be removed.


Since Storage Sense only removes unneeded Windows files. You need to complete the cleanup process by installing then running Wise Disk Cleaner and Wise Registry Cleaner. These were written up in the March 2020 issue of the Guide & Digest. Copy & Paste the link below into your browser to read about the Wise apps.




You can ignore the reference to the cleanmgr + program. To finish off the maintenance procedure run “Defragment and Optimize Drives”, which is also mentioned in the above article, to align the disk drive and make your computer run faster. To run it, type defrag in the “Type here to search” field, which is in the lower left corner of the Desktop screen. In the results window click “Open” to start the app.


Here’s the list of Settings Shortcuts:


Settings page App used for the shortcut
Closed captioning ms-settings:easeofaccess-closedcaptioning
High contrast ms-settings:easeofaccess-highcontrast
Keyboard ms-settings:easeofaccess-keyboard
Magnifier ms-settings:easeofaccess-magnifier
Mouse ms-settings:easeofaccess-mouse
Narrator ms-settings:easeofaccess-narrator
Other options ms-settings:easeofaccess-otheroptions
Battery and power
Battery Saver ms-settings:batterysaver
Battery Saver settings ms-settings:batterysaver-settings
Battery use ms-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails
Power and sleep ms-settings:powersleep
Display and user interface
Backgrounds ms-settings:personalization-background
Colors (display) ms-settings:colors
Colors (personaliation) ms-settings:personalization-colors
Date and time ms-settings:dateandtime
Display ms-settings:display
Mouse and touchpad ms-settings:mousetouchpad
Personalization ms-settings:personalization
Region and language ms-settings:regionlanguage
Screen rotation ms-settings:screenrotation
Speech ms-settings:speech
Start ms-settings:personalization-start
Themes ms-settings:themes
Typing ms-settings:typing
Network and radios
Airplane mode ms-settings:network-airplanemode
Bluetooth ms-settings:bluetooth
Cellular ms-settings:network-cellular
Data usage ms-settings:datausage
Dialup ms-settings:network-dialup
DirectAccess ms-settings:network-directaccess
Ethernet ms-settings:network-ethernet
Manage Wi-Fi ms-settings:network-wifisettings
Mobile hotspot ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot
Proxy ms-settings:network-proxy
Wi-Fi ms-settings:network-wifi
VPN ms-settings:network-vpn
For developers ms-settings:developers
Offline maps ms-settings:maps
Optional features ms-settings:optionalfeatures
Account info ms-settings:privacy-accountinfo
Calendar ms-settings:privacy-calendar
Camera ms-settings:privacy-webcam
Contacts ms-settings:privacy-contacts
Feedback ms-settings:privacy-feedback
Location ms-settings:privacy-location
Messaging ms-settings:privacy-messaging
Microphone ms-settings:privacy-microphone
Motion ms-settings:privacy-motion
Other devices (privacy) ms-settings:privacy-customdevices
Privacy ms-settings:privacy
Radios ms-settings:privacy-radios
Speech, inking, and typing ms-settings:privacy-speechtyping
System and user
Connected devices ms-settings:connecteddevices
Family and other users ms-settings:otherusers
Lockscreen ms-settings:lockscreen
Notifications and actions ms-settings:notifications
Proximity ms-settings:proximity
Signin options ms-settings:signinoptions
Storage Sense ms-settings:storagesense
Tablet mode ms-settings://tabletmode/
Windows Update ms-settings:windowsupdate
Work access ms-settings:workplace


Optimizing Windows 10/11 (May 2022)

Technology Tips – Published May 2022 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett

Optimizing Windows 10/11

Window’s computer performance can be improved by making adjustments to its operating system. This can be started by opening the Control Panel and clicking on Power Options.

Type control in the Type here to search box. In the window that opens, click the Control Panel. Change the view of the Control Panel by clicking Category next to View by: at the upper right and choose Large icons. This change displays all of the items in the Control panel. Click Power Options to get started.

  1. 1. First, change your power plan to High performance. If you don’t see it, click Show additional plans then choose it.
  2. Open Settings, click System, then click Notifications & actions. Uncheck all 6 items.
  3. In Settings, click Personalization. Click Colors. Turn off Transparency effects.
  4. In Settings, click Gaming, then click Xbox Game Bar and turn it off. Also turn off Game Mode. Perform both modes if you are not a serious gamer.
  5. Improve computer response by turning off search indexing. Type services. MSc in the Type here to search box. Click Services. Scroll down to Windows search and right click it, then click Properties. Across from Startup type choose Disabled by clicking the down arrow. OK the window.
  6. 6. Perform regular system maintenance every 30 days. Refer to: https://hersheysmill.org/resources/technology/computer-performance-maintenance-tips/free-wise-disk-cleaner-and-registry-cleaner-programs-mar-2022/
  7. Type sysdm.cpl in the Search box then click sysdm.cpl in right side of the window. In the pop-up window click the Advanced tab, then under Performance click the Settings button. Choose Adjust for best performance, then OK the window. This will help improve performance particularly in the graphics area of the computer.
  8. Lastly, disable startup programs. These programs are unnecessary to load or run at startup. Each one robs memory and slows bootup speed. To view startup programs right click a blank area of the Task bar. That’s the bar that’s usually at the bottom of the screen. Next, click on Task Manager. Click on More details at lower left. In the opening window click the Startup tab and you will see all the programs listed that can start at boot up. Right click the ones that are not needed at startup and click Disable. If you need an explanation about what a program does, right click it and click Search online. Leave your anti-virus program Enabled along with the Windows Security notification icon.


These 8 tasks should provide a boost in performance without any negative side effects.

Repairing and Testing Your PC

Don Trauger – Kennett

Most computer problems are software related. Whether it’s a malware infection, a faulty program, or a computer that won’t boot,
the problems are usually in the software category. There are several approaches to correcting software problems. For example, a
malware problem can often be corrected by scanning with your anti-virus program and the Malwarebytes program. For a faulty program,
often just uninstalling then reinstalling the program will take care of the problem. For a computer that won’t boot the situation is
serious. For Windows XP you will need the operating system disk. Insert the disk, restart the computer and boot from the inserted
system disk. You may have change the boot priority in the BIOS to boot from the inserted CD system disk. To make a repair using the
Recovery Console press R. Follow the directions on the screen. At the Windows prompt you can employ several different fixes by typing c
ommands such as chkdsk c: /r, fixboot, and fixmbr and pressing Enter. Do one at a time! After employing the fixes remove the disk and
reboot normally. Windows Vista and 7 also have a repair feature that is built in. Reboot the computer and when you see the manufacturer’s
logo depress the F8 key for about 1 second – release for 1 second and repeat until you see the Advanced Boot Options window. Choose Repair
Your computer and press Enter. Follow any screen prompts. When you see the System Recovery Options window, click the Command prompt. To
repair a non boot condition type bootrec.exe /fixboot then press Enter. Repeat again by typing bootrec.exe /fixmbr then Enter. To repair
a computer that starts to boot but fails to complete type chkdsk c: /r. This command repairs Windows system files in XP, Vista, and
Windows 7. Type exit and press Enter to return to the main window. If the preceding fails to repair the problem, click on Startup Repair.
Another selection is System Restore which also may help with a problem of starting your computer. Regular maintenance can help eliminate t
he need to repair your computer at such a difficult level.

For testing your computer go to www.pcpitstop.com. This site will run a free analysis of your computer. Please use Internet Explorer for
this test. On the left side, click on Overdrive. In the next window, also on the left side, click on Sign up FREE. This will create an
account for you to save your test results. After your account is created you can proceed with the testing. Click on test your system now.
In the future just sign in, in the User Login on the left side and click Go, then click Scan this system now. After the test completes,
click the tabs to note any discrepancies. The Summary and the Performance tabs hold the most important info. If you wish, bring your results
to the PC Club meeting for further analysis.

Help with the above information is available at the PC Club meetings. We meet the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM upstairs in the
Ardmore room of the Community Center.

Bitdefender Free Antivirus (Sept 2017)


Technology Tips – Published September 2017 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett


It’s been since December 2013 that I’ve written about Bitdefender Free Antivirus. A lot has changed in this venerable free program. It sports a new interface and it’s updated from the cloud. It’s now compatible with Windows 10 according to their web site information. This has been debated by me and others who have run the older version on Windows 10 without any problems.


The new version features on-demand and on-access scanning with powerful scan engines that ensure detection and removal of all malware from viruses, worms and Trojans to ransomware, zero-day exploits, rootkits and spyware.

The “Advanced Threat Detection” uses an innovative technique called behavioral detection to closely monitor your active apps. When it detects anything suspicious, it takes instant action. Bitdefender Free has an “Anti-Phishing” component that blocks websites that masquerade as trustworthy in order to steal financial data such as passwords or credit card numbers. The “Anti-Fraud” module uses an advanced filtering system that warns you whenever you visit websites that may try to scam you such as casinos, porn sites, money loan schemes and others. All this adds up for you to consider replacing your present version ( if you have it, and downloading and installing this newest version. You can get it here: https://www.bitdefender.com/solutions/free.html.

Remember to uninstall any other antivirus program before installing Bitdefender Free. To uninstall, click the Start button (lower left corner of the screen) click Settings (2 icons above the Start button) click Apps then click your anti virus program followed by Uninstall. If you don’t see Apps you have an earlier version of Windows 10. Instead, right click the Start button and click Control Panel and click “Uninstall a program” under Programs or Programs and Features. Locate your old anti virus program and uninstall it. NOTE: Bitdefender will uninstall previous versions of Bitdefender Free during the installation of the new version.

After downloadiing, the file will be found in your Downloads folder. Click File Explorer (the yellow folder on the Task Bar at bottom of screen) then open the Downloads folder. Double click “Bitdefender_online.exe” to start the installation. Follow any screen prompts and restart the computer when shown. After the restart, note the Bitdefender icon on the Task Bar that shows a form to log-in to your previous Bitdefender account or create a new one for first time users. You must complete the form to make Bitdefender work properly. Also, after the restart, there should be another Bitdefender icon on the Task Bar. Click to open it and click the Install button. After completing the installation, click the sign-in button. Previous users will be signed in automatically. New users must check their email for an email from Bitdefender that will need to be confirmed for the new account.

Finally, Bitdefender updates automatically but does not scan automatically. You must open the program to do a manual scan. There’s only one other setting to change. Open Bitdefender, click the gear (settings) at the top, click “Account Info” and turn off “Display notifications with special offers”.

We will discuss Bitdefender at our PC Club meeting on September 19 at 7 PM upstairs in the Community Center. There also will be time for any Windows questions too.

Fingerprint Reader, Setting up (Oct 2022)

Technology Tips – Published October 2022 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett


Windows 11 offers several different sign-in options for your computer. Facial recognition and the Fingerprint reader are the two that require specialized hardware. Other sign-in options include the familiar Password, Pin number, Security key and Picture password. Many new computers come configured with a Fingerprint reader. This device speeds up the sign-in process and is the fastest option overall.

My Dell computer has the fingerprint reader embedded in the top of the On-Off button. Very cool, although it took me a while to locate it as it’s an unmarked button.

Set up the Fingerprint reader by right clicking the Start button in the lower left corner of the screen, then click Settings. Click Accounts on the left. Click Sign-in options then click PIN in the center of screen and click Set up. Follow the screen prompts. The PIN is required as a backup to the Fingerprint reader. After your 4 digit PIN number has been entered, click Fingerprint recognition above in the list, then click Set up. Follow the many screen prompts to lift and rest your finger on the Fingerprint reader.

Close any open windows and reboot the computer to test the Fingerprint reader at sign-in. If you encounter a problem, you can still sign in using your PIN number. If the problem continues with the Fingerprint reader you might want to redo the set-up process.