52 search results for "yellow dot"

Maint. Outlook Express and Mail


Last month’s article covered basic computer maintenance. This month
I’ll bump it up a notch and improve on the level of cleaning and maintenance of
the computer.

Microsoft’s Disk Cleanup utility manages to do the required
cleanup. However, there are other utility programs that are designed to improve
upon what Microsoft offers. For one, I recommend downloading and installing
CCleaner. This program is free. Open Internet Explorer and go to
www.filehippo.com. CCleaner will be found under “Most Popular Downloads”. Click
it and in the next window click the big green arrow on the right. If you see an
Information Bar pop-up, click Close then click on the light yellow bar under
Internet Explorer’s buttons. You should see a drop down menu and then click on
Download file in the menu. Click Save and direct the download to your Desktop.
Do this by clicking the down arrow in the Save in: field. Select Desktop and
when the Save in: field shows Desktop, click the Save button. When the download
completes click the Close button, then close Internet Explorer. The CCleaner
download should now be on your Desktop. Look for an icon that says ccsetupxxx.
Double click to install. Follow the screen prompts and be sure to remove the
check next to adding the Yahoo Toolbar during the setup. Click the Install
button to complete and click Finish. After installation you may delete the
CCleaner download file (ccsetupxxx).

Click the new CCleaner icon on the Desktop
to open the program. The program comes properly configured so there is no need
to make further changes. When the program opens click the Analyze button. This
will indicate the number of MB’s that will be erased. Then click the Run Cleaner
button. Follow the screen prompt to rid your system of more unwanted files. Next
click the Registry button. Click the Scan for Issues button. After the screen
says 100% click the Fix selected issues button. The next pop-up window asks to
backup the changes. I find it’s not necessary so you can click No. However,
click Yes if you do. Then click Fix all selected issues click OK then Close. For
best results click the Registry button again to run it a second time then close

Now that you have installed CCleaner the proper order for cleanup and
tune-up is to run Microsoft’s Disk Cleanup located in System Tools first,
CCleaner second, Disk Defragmenter, also in System Tools, third. Refer to the
October 2008 issue of the TV-Guide’s Technology Tips for more information
regarding Microsoft’s Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter or go online to
www.hersheysmill.org and click on Tech Tips.

Another recommended cleanup routine
involves users of Outlook Express. Outlook Express is not meant to store
hundreds of emails. It can become unstable. To avoid difficulties empty your
Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, Drafts, and Deleted Items frequently. Highlight
(click it) the first email to be deleted, then hold down the Shift key and move
the mouse to the last email you want to delete and click. The items to be
deleted should now be highlighted. Then click the Delete button. Remember all
highlighted items will be deleted when you click the Delete button. This works
on all the folders (Inbox, Outbox, etc.). Start with the Inbox and end with the
Deleted Items. Another technique is to highlight the first email, then hold down
the Ctrl key and press the “A” key. This highlights all the items and is
especially useful when emptying the Deleted Items. After emptying the preceding
folders, click File in the Main window, move to Folders, and click Compact All
Folders. Wait until the process completes. Normally compacting is done
automatically after 100 runs in Outlook express. If you see a message that says,
“To free up disk space, Outlook Express can compact messages. This may take up
to a few minutes”, click OK and allow the process to continue without
interruption. However, I would recommend that compacting be done manually 2-3
times a month especially for heavy email use. For Vista computers, using Windows
Mail, you will also see a message after every 100 runs of Windows Mail that says
“Windows mail can compact the message store”. Make sure to OK it and don’t
interrupt the process! Windows Mail does not have a manual method of compacting.

Help in maintaining your computer is available at the PC Club meetings. We meet
the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM upstairs in the Community Center.

Windows 10 Reliability Monitor (Nov 2017)

Technology Tips – Published November 2017 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett

The Reliability Monitor provides a graphical representation of how well your computer is performing. This tool, which has been around since the Windows Vista days, remains mostly hidden in Windows 10. The tool’s greatest strength is to inform you, on a scale of 1 to 10, the level of performance of your computer. One is the lowest and ten is the highest. The graph also reflects the nature of a performance problem against time. If your computer shows a problem that reduces the performance to a five rating, and then that problem is corrected, it may take several days to achieve a higher rating. That’s because time is needed to assure the problem is actually corrected. The Reliability Monitor does not correct any problems it detects. However it will offer a pathway to a possible solution to a problem.

To open the Reliability Monitor type the letters “rel” in the “Type here to search” box in the lower left corner of the screen and press the Enter key. The Reliability Monitor (View reliability history) should open. If you don’t see the “Type here to search” box, right click the Task Bar, move up to Cortana and click “Show search box.

The Reliability Monitor graph will show your performance rating as noted by a thin blue line at the top. On the right failures are shown with a red circle. Warnings are noted by yellow triangles and information by blue circles. On the left edge of the graph you can move back in time up to 1 month. The graph is segmented by days. Below the graph the details show the Source, Summary, Date and Action. Clicking a problem under Action may show either Check for a solution or View technical details.

To keep Reliability Monitor tool handy for investigating problems, right click the blank space just to the right of where it says Reliability Monitor at the top of the graph window. In the menu that appears, click “copy address”. Now go back to your Desktop screen and right click in a blank area and click “Paste shortcut”. You should see a new icon appear for the Reliability Monitor. Click it and the Reliability monitor should open.

Troubleshooting and fixing a problem can be done by typing the letters “co” in the “Type here to search box” to open the Control Panel and then clicking Troubleshooting”. Click “View all” on the upper left to see a list of possible solutions. If you don’t see Troubleshooting change the view in the upper right of the window to “Large icons”.

We will discuss this subject and answer any questions you may have at PC Club meetings held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 PM upstairs in the Community Center.

Core Isolation – Memory Integrity (Nov 2022)

Technology Tips – Published November 2022 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett


Microsoft has implemented this Memory Integrity feature since Version 1803 in Windows 10 and it is standard in Windows 11. Its purpose provides isolation to Windows processes running in memory to guard against malware attacks. Look at it as additional layering protection under your anti-virus program.  A simpler explanation would be when you drive up to one of our access gates you are allowed entry if you have a validated window sticker or access card. Applying the Windows technology, you are treated as potential malware until you are verified by the gate’s security reader. Once in and home, you are isolated from other things going on outside. It’s the same way for other Window’s processes running at the same time.

However, as nice as this sounds, it comes at a cost. A possible significant cost in your computer’s speed. I’ve experienced up to a 30% decrease in boot speed when I do a restart. Windows does have a Fast Startup feature that is on by default which reduces boot time from a power on start.

Since there are many variables involved, you can try this easy test to see if it is worth it to turn off Memory Integrity or to leave it on. On Windows 11, to access it, click Settings, click Privacy & Security, click Windows Security, click Device Security, click Core Isolation Details and turn off Memory Integrity. Windows 10 versions may have a slightly different path. Restart the computer and then try opening several different programs one at a time to see if the response is faster. Try restarting it to see if it boots faster. If you don’t see much change just follow the previous instructions and turn Memory Integrity back on. Wait until it checks your computer then restart it. If you decide it works better with Memory Integrity turned off, you may see a yellow badge on the Windows Security icon on the Taskbar near the clock or click the little up arrow to see it. All that means is that it is notifying you the Memory Integrity is turned off. Go back to Memory Integrity and click Dismiss.

NOTE: To evaluate this test properly, make sure you restart the computer when turning Memory Integrity off or on. Do not shut down the computer as it will invalidate the results.

Shorebird Migration

August 11, 2021: Shorebird Migration

I hope everyone is staying safe in this very hot weather. Walks in the early morning or early evening are now a much better option. The water level in the lagoon is lowering as more water is needed on the golf course. So now a very nice muddy shoreline has been exposed—perfect for our migrating shorebirds!

The Spotted Sandpiper is a regular spring and fall visitor. The spots are part of their spring breeding plumage. Although they lose those spots in fall, they can be easily identified by their scurrying over the rocks and mud, their tails often bobbing up and down, imitating wave action, hoping to capture an unsuspecting insect.

If you’ve been on our ocean shores, you have probably seen many species of sandpipers. As they return to their wintering grounds in South America, they make stops at our inland lakes and ponds. One of the smallest is the Least Sandpiper, only 6 inches in length. However, if you look closely, you will notice yellow legs, although they are sometimes obscured by the mud that gets splattered around!

I have seen both birds this month and hope you will too.

Happy Birding!!

Windows 10 Themes (Feb 2017)

Technology Tips – Published February 2017 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett



Microsoft provides a way to beautify your computer screen using Themes. Themes can be described as a pictorial slide show. They consist of a group of very high quality photographs that change automatically. The timing of the photographs is adjustable by the user. They install as a background feature in Windows and don’t interfere with normal computer activities. They do replace whatever you are currently using so before you try a Theme be aware of the change. Nothing is deleted so it ends up as swapping one picture or background for another. Don’t like a Theme? You can download another or go back to what you had.

Before you install a Theme there’s one thing you must do and that is turn off your screen saver if you are using one. It turns out that these two visual features in Windows can clash with each other. To turn off the screen saver, open the Control Panel by right clicking the Start button. The Start button is the 4 pane white icon in the lower left corner of the screen. Then, left click Control Panel. When the Control Panel opens look at the “View by:” field, in the upper right part of the window and select “Large icons”. Next, click Personalization. If necessary, highlight Unsaved Theme. At the bottom right, click “Screen Saver”. In the Screen Saver window, select “(None)” and OK the window.

Here’s how to download a Theme. With the Personalization window open, at the right side click “Get more themes online”. You will then be taken to Microsoft’s Desktop Theme web site. Don’t worry they work on laptops too! Some Themes even come with sounds if you like that feature. You can scroll down the page and select any Theme that stirs your interest.

Once you have downloaded the Theme, go to your Downloads folder in File Explorer. Do this by clicking the yellow icon on the Taskbar that is shaped like a folder. Double click the Downloads folder then double click your new Theme download. It will load automatically and take you to the Personalization window in the Control Panel. Highlight, if necessary, “Unsaved Theme” by clicking once. To time the slide show click “Desktop Background” at the bottom. Select 1 Minute in the “Change picture every” field. You can select other times as well. Select “Shuffle On” to select the pictures randomly. To Delete a Theme you must save it first. Highlight it then click “Save theme” to the right then right click the theme and click Delete. However, it’s not necessary to do this to have it work properly.

Themes are a great way to beautify the screen and get rid of a boring manufacturer’s logo.

Please come to the PC Club meetings. We’ll show you how to install and adjust Themes. Also, there will be time for your general questions. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 PM in the Community Center.


Computer Networking (Jan 2018)

Technology Tips – Published January 2018 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett


First, let me explain what computer networking is. For home use it’s connecting 2 or more computers together in a way that they can share files and printers. Sharing files allows you view or edit files that are on another computer. The computers can be connected either wired (Ethernet cable) or wirelessly. The wireless method that follows is the most popular.


Windows 10 makes it easy to accomplish this networking task but one thing you must do is to copy the files you want to share and paste them, depending on the type of file, in special network folders called “Public Documents”, “Public Pictures”, “Public Music”, etc. You can do this on both computers or just one depending on your needs. For example, you may have a Word file in the regular Documents folder in “computer #1” that you want to share on “computer #2”. To  allow access to that file from “computer #2”, you must first copy that file to the “Public Documents” folder on “computer #1”. Networking 2 computers only works across these “Public” folders.


To start the sharing process open the File Explorer app, a yellow folder icon located on the Taskbar.  Click the “Documents” folder, locate the file you want to copy, right click it and click “Copy”. Scroll down, if necessary, until you see “Network” at the bottom on the left side. Open the “Network” folder and click “computer #1”. Click “Users”, Click “Public”, click “Public Documents” to open that folder. Right click a blank area of this folder then, in the pop-up menu, click “Paste”. For convenience you can make a Desktop shortcut icon on either computer for access to the “Public” folders.


One note is that “computer #1” and “computer #2” are used as examples in this text. Your actual computer names will obviously be different. Also, since this is a home scenario, you can turn off password sharing. Open the Control Panel by typing “co” (no quotes) in the “Type here to search” box at bottom left, click “Network and Sharing Center” or choose “View network status and tasks”, then click “Change advanced sharing settings” at the upper left. Next, across from “All Networks”, click the little down arrow. At the bottom click “Turn off password protected sharing”.


Networking will be discussed at our January 16 session at 7 PM upstairs in the Community Center’s Ardmore room. There also will be time to answer any other questions you may have about Windows 10. Also, make sure to visit our website http:\\\\www.hersheysmill.org/ to read about the latest FIOS transition information. Type telecommunications in the Search field at upper right to see past and present information regarding the transition.

Wintering Waterfowl

November 18, 2021: Wintering Waterfowl

Cold weather is beginning to settle in over Hershey’s Mill. The fall colors have been especially bright, with lots of yellow, gold, and red foliage. But the leaves are dropping, and it’s only a matter of time before snowflakes start to fly.

The wintering waterfowl have begun to arrive at our Lagoon, so be sure to bundle up and check out the following birds:


Ruddy Ducks



Bufflehead Ducks



Ring-necked Ducks

And I spotted one Coot the other day!

There’s also a group of about 7 or 8 Mallard ducks. Look closely for the one that is much smaller in size. That’s not a female Mallard—it’s a female Green-winged Teal who has chosen to spend her time with the Mallards.


Happy Birding!

What’s Flying Over the Lagoon?

July 2, 2021: What’s Flying Over the Lagoon?
As the very hot weather has descended on Hershey’s Mill, it’s led to an overabundance of the insect population above the lagoon. And as a result, several bird species are taking advantage of the smorgasbord!

TREE SWALLOWS – The Tree Swallow is about five inches long. It has a forked tail, metallic green to blue head, back and wing feathers, and white feathers on its underside. Females are duller in color.

BARN SWALLOWS – Barn Swallows are bright little birds, with blue “suits” and orange “dress shirts.” From the tops of their heads to their tails, their feathers are blue. On the other side, from their throats to the undersides of their tails, they are reddish-orange. They also have a bright orange patch of feathers directly above their beaks. This species is quite small, with most individuals about six or seven inches long and weighing in at less than an ounce.

CHIMNEY SWIFTS – Chimney Swifts are very small birds with slender bodies and very long, narrow, curved wings. They have round heads, short necks, and short, tapered tails. The wide bill is so short that it is actually hard to see.


A very large population of CEDAR WAXWINGS – A treat to find in your binocular view field, the Cedar Waxwing is a silky, shiny collection of brown, gray, and lemon-yellow, accented with a subdued crest, rakish black mask, and brilliant-red wax droplets on the wing feathers. Cedar waxwings were discussed in a Spotlight from February 2021.

Happy Birding!

Franklin Village Council Meeting – December 14, 2020

Meeting called to order at 3:30PM

In Attendance: Jack Keeley, Jay Harter, Dom Aleardi, Michael Pincus, Judy Jurgan and Janet Burgess

Reading of the November minutes was waived.

  • Garage Doors – Since Dom’s last inspection, more garage doors are showing damage at the bottom. There has been no snow plowing, so that wasn’t the cause. A lot of the plastic trim moldings were ripped when he first looked at them, before they were repaired. A portion of them were replaced by the homeowners and landscaping. Once the coming storm is over, he will check them again to see if the plows damaged them. We don’t know how the bottoms can be damaged by the homeowners. Dom will take photos of the ones that are damaged. If the damage is at fender height, there will be no question about the cause. We should check with Curt as to his opinion of the cause. We are waiting to hear from Curt about the minimum number of garages needing repair to see if it is worth his time to come in and do it.
  • Sunoco did not put in any trees at the shopping center, just shrubs.       Regarding the Adelphia pipeline 2 residents heard hissing noises by the corner of Chandler and Franklin and they saw a spout of water shooting out of the ground. We don’t know the cause. Ed McFalls was notified.
  • Landscaping: The tree hanging over the street in the 580-596 cul-de-sac still has not been trimmed. Janet Burgess is also having problems with HML with non-responses to phone calls and emails. Chris Morris has to start acknowledging inquiries. There are multiple issues everyday at various villages and no response. Chris’ administrative assistant is receiving all the emails sent to Chris and there is no response from her either. Janet has scheduled a meeting with both of them and with Jarrod, their boss. Janet will bring up some of the contract issues at her meeting. We have an out if landscaping is not meeting their contract conditions with us.
  • Pool: Curt is working up an estimate for the gate and shoring up of the pool deck. We received the pool cover and the check was sent out by Janet Burgess.
  • Rules: A new form for new owners spelling out the HOA rules and items they can and cannot due will be incorporated in to the handout forms from the Welcoming Committee
  • Solar power: This was looked into by various villages but the biggest problem is that they won’t install the panels unless the roofs are brand new, due to the weight of the panels.
  • Walking Trail: The MA advised the walking trail has to stay on the Franklin side because it continues on the same side as Kennett.
  • They didn’t think putting a yellow line through Franklin Way would solve the problem. He reiterated that if we agree to the trail on our side they will replace the trees and shrubs that are removed. Otherwise, due to the cost of the trail being put in the street, they will not provide any landscape privacy screening.. Mike and Judy said the MA cannot remove privacy barriers that affect residents without replacing them. Mike noted that the By Laws and Covenants state that the MA cannot invoke eminent domain without allowing the residents to oppose them. They can’t “bully” our village to get our approval. The common area behind Franklin on Chandler has been in place since 1984 and they cannot just declare eminent domain. The MA still has not provided proof that they can take this step. Jack also talked to the MA about not going behind the North Gate wall which grossly affects Weber’s property. Mike Pincus stated that we have already turned down the offer to the MA more than once. We own the property. They have to prove this trail is an improvement to the Mill and that they have a right to invoke eminent domain.
  • Signs: Our signs are showing a lot of wear. Dom will upgrade the colors, sand the signs down and repaint them. The one on Mill near the North Gate has to be moved 20 feet so that it can be seen by drivers. The new signs for Eaton and Springton are a little too contemporary. Dom will start with the sign on Mill Rd.
  • Covid vaccine: The MA is working on trying to get Paoli Hospital to send people to the Mill and administrate the Covid vaccine at some point.
  • Next Meeting on Zoom 1/11/21
  • Meeting adjourned at 4:45PM



Welcome: Learn all about your new Pickleball machine!

Pickleball - Tudor Plus

Pickleball Tutor PLUS Specifications:

This is the # 1 rated Pickleball machine available. Pickleball Tutor Plus (w/options selected) is easily adjustable to shoot all the shots both new and experienced players need to practice against including:

  • Dinks, Lobs, Serves, Drives, Groundstrokes
  • Topspin and Backspin – A single dial controls the amount of topspin or backspin
  • Delivers shots randomly across the court for hitting on the run
  • Holds 110 pickleballs
  • Ball Speed – Adjustable from 10 MPH to 65 MPH
  • Ball Feed – From every one second (for quick-reaction volleys) to every 10 seconds
  • Start-up time delay allows time to get to the other side of the net before balls begin shooting
  • Automatically shoots to two preset court positions
  • Ball trajectory is controlled by a simple electronic switch on the control panel rather than the manual knob control
  • Weighs only 22-29 lbs. so it is easily carried, plus includes lightweight tow cart for easier transport

If you would like training on the use of the Machine, please let us know by using feedback form or emailing your COS team.

In the interim, please check out these instructions as well as the video review…

Safety First (Please Read)

The machine must be scheduled using SKEDDA!

It will be the last column on the Pickleball SKEDDA grid.

It is important to realize that any resident can use any of the Sports facilities whether or not they have registered for HMSG and/or one or more Sports groups.

In other words, simply stopping down and using a sports facility is fine if it has not already been scheduled by anyone.

To ensure that you don’t run into conflicts, it makes sense to simply schedule the resource that you would like to utilize ahead of time.

[In such a case, the group who made the reservation would have the right to the court]

We Use SKEDDA to maintain our reservations!

  1. You do need to do a “1” time request of SKEDDA Access if you plan on using it to schedule time for one of the Sports facilities.
  2. With or Without SKEDDA access, anyone may view the schedule by clicking on the link.

If you would like to stay informed of HMSG plans and events, make sure you join HMSG if you have not already done so. You will be added to that mailing list.

Likewise, if you want to know what’s going on in particular sport groups, let them know so they can add you to their unique mailing list.

Click SKEDDA image below to open SKEDDA tab..

Anyone can view the SKEDDA schedule but you need prior authorization for creating reservations. This is a “1” time process. For more information, please press the “More SKEDDA” button to the right!

Learn all about SKEDDA..

SKEDDA pronounced /sked-dah/ 

is a web based software system used by Hershey’s Mill for scheduling court time. Being web based means that you can schedule future playing time from any browser on any device you have. Court time can be scheduled for the following Sports Groups:

  • Billiards
  • Bocce
  • Horseshoes
  • Pickleball
  • Platform Tennis
  • Shuffleboard
  • Table Tennis
  • Tennis

Also to Know!

Please USE CORRECT Balls!

Yellow Ball is for normal PLAY.

Lime Green to be USED in the Pickleball Machine.

Watch Video below for Operation Tips.

While watching this Video, understand that we have chosen the model with these attributes:

  1. We have Electric Model (No Battery)
  2. We have Electronic Elevation
  3. We have 2-line Oscillation
  4. We do NOT have a Remote Control
Play Video

Operating Instructions

Control Panel

Please follow below in the order of the buttons/Dials as shown above.

  1. POWER – Pushing to the “ON” position begins a start-time delay period of 10 seconds before pickleballs are thrown.
  2. Elevation – Push button UP or DOWN to adjust trajectory of shots. This will likely take some practice.
  3. OSCILLATOR – If you wish to have balls shoot directly where pointed, make sure toggle is level (off). To have balls go back and forth to two alternating spots, set toggle to 2-Line. To have machine toss balls in a sweeping motion across the court, set to Random.
  4. There is NO remote button.
  5. RESET – If the Pickleball machine shuts off while balls are still loaded in the hopper, turn the power switch OFF. Remove all balls and see if a ball is jammed in the hopper or between/under one of the throwing wheels. Remove the ball and turn power switch on.If machine does not power on, the Reset button may have tripped. In that case, turn machine off and push reset button until it locks in place. Turn the machine on again and test.==> If the machine shuts off again or does not power up, contact a Pickleball COS member and put machine in shed & Cover.
  6. Ignore Charge (used only in battery units)
  7. SPIN – Use this Dial to have balls bounce Flat or have it produce Backspin or Topspin (each up to 4 levels of difficulty)
  8. INTERVAL – How much time do you want in between thrown balls? Turning clockwise increases the frequency of balls thrown (approx. from 1 ball every 10 seconds to 1 ball every second). Again, you will need to experiment for what is right for you.
  9. SPEED – Please start at low setting and adjust. Turning clockwise increases the speed at which balls are thrown. Caution: It claims that its highest setting can throw at 60 miles an hour.