52 search results for "yellow dot"

Cedar Waxwings

February 2021: Cedar Waxwings

Winter has finally settled in on Hershey’s Mill and the Northeast. Our ponds have frozen over, our wintering ducks have moved to a better feeding area with running water in Ridley Creek. Now, it’s time to turn our binoculars to the shrubs, bushes, and trees……

One of the birds you may encounter is the Cedar Waxwing. A very colorful medium-sized bird, it is tan in color with a crest, a black mask, red-tipped wing feathers that look like they have been dipped in wax, and a striking bright yellow band on their tail.

They may be seen in small flocks, on the edge of our wooded areas. They forage in the cedar cones, eating berries and then fruit and insects during summer months.

The tail of a Cedar Waxwing usually has a yellow band at the end but in the 1960s, birds with orange bands started to show up in the northeastern United States. The orange color results from red pigment found in non-native honeysuckle fruits introduced into their diet. Maybe you will be lucky enough to find one!

Happy Birding.

Preparing To Go Green on June 26th

Hershey’s Mill

Jun 19, 2020

Fellow Hershey’s Mill Residents,
(This has been sent to all HM residents registered on the HM email platform)
Update #43

****Special Alert****
COVID-19 Update
Preparing To Go Green*
Governor Wolf has announced that Chester County
will move to the Green Phase June 26th.
We are not green yet! We are still in Yellow Phase.

Drive Through COVID-19 Testing is available for the public, no prescription or referral necessary, by appointment only at specific locations, see below for more information.


Important Notes: Face Masks

Gov Wolf, the CDC and the WHO have all emphasized that wearing face masks remains necessary to protect each other and to avoid the continued spread of COVID-19. The new COVID-19 clusters identified in China and the increase in several US States is a fair warning.
Keep social distancing, wearing face masks and washing your hands.

What does going GREEN Really Mean?

Know what it means and does NOT mean.

From the PA Government Website Click Here for Governor Wolf’s Order

Here is what it takes to go Green:
“After a county transitions to the yellow phase, we will closely monitor for increased risk, such as significant outbreaks. If overall risk remains mitigated for fourteen days, we will transition the county to the green phase.

While this phase will facilitate a return to a “new normal,” it will be equally important to continue to monitor public health indicators and adjust orders and restrictions as necessary to ensure the spread of disease remains at a minimum.”

What does this mean for most of us here in Hershey’s Mill?

– We can gather in larger groups; up to 250.
– Face Masks are required when entering any business, so it makes sense that face masks should be worn in club meetings, volunteer meetings, group meetings especially in smaller room with low air ventilation.
– Restaurants and Bars may operate at 50% capacity.
– Hair Salons and Barbershops may operate at 50% capacity by appointment.
– Gym, Spas,Theaters and Shopping Malls may operate at 50% capacity.
– Social Distancing (6 feet) is still required.



COVID-19 Drive Through Testing is now available in various locations around Chester County. Testing is available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY in West Chester on Saturday, June 20 (7:30 am – 12:00 pm) and June 27 (8:30 am – 12:30 pm). Please read the details to make an appointment.
NOTE: Chester County Health asks that, “If you have healthcare insurance, please bring your card.”
Click Here for COVID-19 Test Dates & Locations, FAQ’s and Registering for an Appointment


Please check on your neighbors regularly. A simple phone call checking in may make all the difference in someone’s day. We are all in this together – call a neighbor or two today. If you just moved here an don’t know any one, call one of your Village Council members.

-Please communicate this information to any neighbor that does not receive emails.

– Please check with your friends and neighbors to be sure they see the COVID-19 emails.


1) Please tune into Hershey’s Mill Community TV (HMTC) Channel 1971 for updates via scrolling banners

2) Please log onto hersheysmill.org for updates on the HersheyMill website.

We thank you for your understanding and patience as we navigate these unprecedented times.

On behalf of the Technology Committee,

To your health and safety,

Wash your hands, stay healthy,

Bill and Sherry Kane
Co-Chairs, HM Technology Committee

Note: Emails sent out Community wide through the HM Email Platform are for internal HM use only and not for public distribution, posting on any type of website, with the exception of the hersheysmill.org website, or used in any other manner available to the general public or those residing outside Hershey’s Mill.

ChatGPT (Mar 2023)

Technology Tips – Published March 2023 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett

This article is not in the same category as the usual tech tip I write. Rather, it’s an introduction to a new concept of artificial intelligence (AI). AI has been around for awhile but ChatGPT takes it to a new level. Basically, you feed it a question and it comes up with the answer. The link to ChatGPT is https://chat.openai.com/chat. You’ll have to set up an account to use it but it’s free for now. It’s experimental at this point. Even copying the information it produces into Word was a problem. I ended up using WordPad then copied the clean text into Word. It won’t put Google out of business but ChatGPT allows one question and one answer at a time where Google’s results offer hundreds if not more answers to a question.

Also, the answer to the first question is much later in time whereas our website, hersheysmill.org, starts in 1789.

Note: The following ChatGPT answers were not written by me except for the questions.

What is the history of the Hershey’s Mill Community, West Chester, Pa. 19380?

Hershey’s Mill is a community located in West Chester, Pennsylvania. The community is made up of a variety of homes, including townhouses, condominiums, and single-family homes, as well as amenities such as a golf course, swimming pools, and tennis courts. The development of Hershey’s Mill began in the 1970s, and it has been a popular place to live for retirees and older adults. It is known for its active adult lifestyle, with many clubs and organizations catering to the interests of residents. The community is surrounded by natural beauty, with plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking and biking. The area also has a rich history, with many historical sites and landmarks nearby.

What is the underlying danger of Yellowstone National Park?

The underlying danger of Yellowstone National Park is the potential for a volcanic eruption. The park sits on top of a supervolcano, which has the potential to produce a massive eruption that could have a significant impact on the surrounding areas and the global climate. However, it is important to note that while the potential for an eruption exists, it is not imminent and the chances of it occurring in the near future are low.

When is Covid expected to be of no concern?

The timeline for when the COVID-19 pandemic will no longer be a concern is uncertain. Factors such as the effectiveness of vaccines, the emergence of new variants of the virus, and compliance with public health measures will all play a role in determining when the pandemic will end. It’s important to continue to follow the guidance of public health officials and to get vaccinated when a vaccine becomes available to you.



Boot-Up Error Messages

Don Trauger

We’ve all seen them at one time or another. You start your computer and everything seems fine then all of a
sudden an error message pops up. Sometimes you have to “OK” it to complete the boot and other times closing
or just ignoring the message works. Regardless of your method, your computer may seem to work fine but it’s
trying to tell you “I feel sick”.

Once in awhile the message is just informational but more than likely there’s a hidden problem with a system
file or application. The first thing to do is to write down the full message. Pay particular attention if the
message has an error number associated with it. Using Google to input this error information is a great way to
search for answers to the problem. Chances are others have experienced the same issue and you will often find
what is needed to make corrections. A search on Google does not require a word for word entry of the error message.
Simply use a few of the main keywords plus the error message number if available from the message.

Another place to look when you have a problem is in Administrative Tools in the Control Panel. This computer
module logs all kinds of events in your computer both normal and abnormal. Click Performance and Maintenance
then click Administrative Tools. Next click the Event Viewer. There you will see listed, among others, Application
and System. Click Application then scroll down the list and try to match the time of the event to the time when
you experienced the error. Note any items that have a red circle or yellow triangle. Double click the offender
for detailed information. There’s usually a link to Microsoft Help and Support for help in resolving the error.
Repeat the same procedure for System. You may safely ignore any yellow triangles (Warning) in the Application
area referring to “Userenv” should you see them.

If a program or application is causing the error message on startup it also means it’s trying to load during
boot-up. You may be able to correct this by telling the program not to load when you start your computer. Click
on Start, click Run and type “msconfig” (no quotes) and OK the window. Next click the Startup tab. When the window
opens look at the list of programs that have checks next to them. You may be able to match information in the
error message or from the Event Viewer to the program that is causing the problem. Remove the check from the
program, OK the window, and choose to Restart the computer. As I’ve said in previous articles, the only checks
required are the ones for your Anti-Virus/Spyware/Firewall programs. What if the error is caused by the Anti-Virus
program? Read the error carefully. Maybe all that’s needed is a setting to be reset once you open the program.
In other cases it may require you to uninstall and reinstall the program.


August 7, 2023: Ladybugs: The Gardener’s Best Friend

Who has not seen that small red-winged insect with numerous black spots? And who does not remember the Mother Goose rhyme:

Ladybug, ladybug fly away home,
Your house is on fire and your children are gone,
All except one,
And her name is Ann,
And she hid under the baking pan.

For most of us, when we think of ladybugs (or more correctly lady beetles), we think of the small red insect with black spots. But some are yellow with black spots or even black and white or dark blue and orange. There are approximately 5,000 different species of ladybugs of which 450 live in North America. Some species use camouflage coloration to match the vegetation when they are in hibernation and later develop the characteristic bright colors to warn off predators during their mating season. In our area, the most common ladybug is the 7-spotted ladybug. (Also, of note is that the ladybug is the state bug of our neighbor state, Delaware.)

Ladybugs are considered a gardener’s (and farmer’s) best friend as they are beneficial predators of plant pests. They feed on soft-bodied insects such as scale insects, whiteflies, mites, and aphids. This makes them valuable allies for gardeners and farmers and significantly reduces the need for chemical pesticides which harms the environment and potentially contaminates soil and water sources. Beyond their pest control abilities, ladybugs also serve as essential biodiversity indicators. Be aware that there is a similar-looking insect, the squash beetle (a type of ladybug). This is a yellow or orange beetle with seven large black spots on each wing covering.

Ladybug populations appear to be facing population declines. Climate change, pollution, and habitat loss all contribute to this decline. Climate factors (such as rising temperatures and heat waves) and changes in landscape composition effects ladybug habitat, while pesticide use further threatens their numbers. Ladybugs, the tiny yet mighty beetles, deserve our attention and protection. Conserving ladybugs starts with individual actions such as restoring their habitats and avoiding the unnecessary use of harmful pesticides.

Remember: Be Respectful of Nature!

Wilbur B. Amand, VMD

Sports Update June6-Covid19

Hershey’s Mill Board of Directors
Saturday, June 6, 2020

Update from the Board regarding the Hershey’s Mill Sports Complex and Play:

In accordance with government guidelines, Chester County is now in the COVID-19 Yellow Phase.  Yellow Phase allows some marginal changes to sports.  In keeping with recent government changes to sports guidelines, the following changes for the Hershey’s Mill Sports Complex have been made, effective immediately. Note the guidelines that have not changed also.

Doubles (and Singles) play will now be allowed for Tennis, Pickleball and Paddleball with the following guidelines still in place:
  • All state, county and township COVID-19 regulations and guidelines are still in place.
  • All courts are open for all residents and must be reserved on ROCO. See more ROCO information below.
  • No open play time is available at this time.
  • No team or league play at this time.
  • Pizza parties and other gatherings remain on hold.
  • Social distancing is to be maintained.
  • Face masks are to be worn immediately before and after play.
  • Bring your own hand sanitizer and use it just before, during and just after play to protect each other when touching balls.  
  • Bathrooms are not available.
Reservation of Courts Online:
Please use our ROCO system to schedule time for play:    
(ROCO = Reservation Of Courts Online)Hint:
Sign up for the ROCO System a few days in advance of court reservation time so the System Administrator can register you.  This is a one time step.

1) You must be a resident of Hershey’s Mill and be on the HM email platform.
2) If you have not signed up for ROCO access, there is a form available on the Hershey’s Mill Sports Group web site’s ROCO page. (See below)
3) Please sign up for the ROCO System a few days in advance of your desired play/court registration date to allow time for the System Administrator to register you.
4) You will receive an email back that you are registered and can then log on and reserve courts.
ROCO Registration and Use Instructions:
ROCO Court Reservation:
When you are ready to schedule on ROCO, it can be reached here:

HM Sports Complex and HM Sports Group
The Sports Complex is available to all residents.
All residents are also invited to join the HM Sports Group.

Keep up to date on all your favorite HM Sports Groups by visiting the web section menu at: Click here to be taken to the HM Sports Group website pages
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
With your health and safety in mind,
Karl Grentz                                                                                 

Hershey’s Mill Sports Complex and Play


Hershey’s Mill Board of Directors

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Update from the Board regarding the Hershey’s Mill Sports Complex and Play:
In accordance with government guidelines, Chester County is now in the COVID-19 Yellow Phase. Yellow Phase allows some marginal changes to sports. In keeping with recent government changes to sports guidelines, the following changes for the Hershey’s Mill Sports Complex have been made, effective immediately. Note the guidelines that have not changed also.

Doubles (and Singles) play will now be allowed for
Tennis, Pickleball and Paddleball
with the following guidelines still in place:

All state, county and township COVID-19 regulations and guidelines are still in place.
All courts are open for all residents and must be reserved on ROCO. See more ROCO information below.
No open play time is available at this time.
No team or league play at this time.
Pizza parties and other gatherings remain on hold.
Social distancing is to be maintained.
Face masks are to be worn immediately before and after play.
Bring your own hand sanitizer and use it just before, during and just after play to protect each other when touching balls.
Bathrooms are not available.

Reservation of Courts Online:
Please use our ROCO system to schedule time for play:
(ROCO = Reservation Of Courts Online)

Sign up for the ROCO System a few days in advance of court reservation time so the System Administrator can register you. This is a one time step.

1) You must be a resident of Hershey’s Mill and be on the HM email platform.
2) If you have not signed up for ROCO access, there is a form available on the Hershey’s Mill Sports Group web site’s ROCO page. (See below)
3) Please sign up for the ROCO System a few days in advance of your desired play/court registration date to allow time for the System Administrator to register you.
4) You will receive an email back that you are registered and can then log on and reserve courts.

ROCO Registration and Use Instructions:
Please visit the ROCO instructions at:
Click here for ROCO Registration and Use Instructions https://hersheysmill.org/hmsg-organization/hmsg-roco/

ROCO Court Reservation
When you are ready to schedule on ROCO, it can be reached here:
Click here to be taken to ROCO Online Court Reservation

HM Sports Complex and HM Sports Group
The Sports Complex is available to all residents.
All residents are also invited to join the HM Sports Group.
Keep up to date on all your favorite HM Sports Groups by visiting the web section menu at:

On behalf of the Board of Directors,
With your health and safety in mind,

Karl Grentz

Hershey’s Mill Board of Directors
Karl Grentz President
Dennis O’Leary 1st Vice President
Boyd Mackleer 2nd Vice President
Robert Bronner Treasurer
George Earle Secretary

Microsoft Sound Recorder (Windows 11) (Named Voice Recorder in Windows 10)(Nov 2023)

Technology Tips – Published November 2023 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett


This built-in app is usually present in the Microsoft Windows operating system.  In Windows 10 it’s called Voice Recorder and in Windows 11 it’s named Sound Recorder. Once activated both due the same job of recording sound from the laptop’s microphone. Obviously, this can be quite useful when attending a meeting particularly if you are taking minutes at the meeting. Instead of bringing a separate device to record the meeting just bring your PC.

The program is easily accessible in the Program menu. If you don’t see it, you can download it from the Microsoft Store. There is usually an icon for the Microsoft Store on the Taskbar. It’s a free program.

I’ve never seen a program that is so simple to run.  For Windows 11 click the 4 pane Windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen, then click the All apps button in the pop-up window. Scroll down the list of programs in the menu and click Sound Recorder when you locate it. To start a recording click the red button. To stop, click the white square button. To play back your recording click the right arrow button. You’ll find the recording in the Sound Recordings folder under your Documents folder. Each recording is named “Recording” followed by a sequential number so you can record, stop, then begin to record again.

In Windows 11 open the program and click the 3 horizontal dots at the top right. Click Settings, click Audo quality to try to improve the quality of the recording. Default is Auto.  Best mode is the highest quality.  Do this before recording as it will not improve quality after the recording is saved.

NOTE: In Windows 10 the record button is a blue microphone icon in the lower left of the program window.

If you need a more powerful tool to record or edit recordings,

Download Audacity here: Windows | Audacity ® (audacityteam.org)


DISM and SFC File Repair Tools (Sep 2023)

Technology Tips – Published August 2023 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett

Windows’ built-in Deployment Image Servicing and Management command-line tool, a.k.a. DISM, has been around for about 15 years in various Windows versions. Its purpose is to maintain and repair Windows system files when the instruction (Dism) is commanded to run.
In Windows 10 or 11 >
1. Click the Search field then type Command Prompt. Right click the Command Prompt result in the window, and click the Run as administrator option.
2. Type the following command to perform a scan. Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth then press Enter.
3. After it finishes the scan it will notify you of what it fixed or if no errors were found it will say “Scan completed successfully”.
4. Rerun Dism if it found errors, if not, run SFC.

SFC is another Microsoft repair tool for Windows system files. If corrupted files are found SFC will repair those files.

In Windows 10 or 11 >

1. Repeat #1 as above.
2. Type the following command to perform a scan. SFC / Scannow then press Enter.
3. After it finishes the scan it will notify you of what it fixed or if no errors were found it will say “ Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.”.
4. Rerun SFC if errors were found.

These 2 tools only focus on Windows files. If you experience a problem on only 1 program consider uninstalling then reinstalling that program. Some programs offer a repair or reset feature that may work. To investigate that possibility go to Settings > Apps > Installed Apps then select your App. Click the 3 horizontal dots on the right and click Advanced options if shown. Scroll down for Repair and Reset options

Microsoft Edge and security (Feb 2022)

Technology Tips – Published February 2022 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett


Improve your Web Security when using Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge has recently improved its security. This Chromium based browser, like Google Chrome, has implemented a new security setting. Here’s how to set it up.

Launch Edge and click on the three dots in the upper right corner. Scroll down and click Settings to go into the Settings menu. On the left side click “Privacy, search and services.” Scroll down to “Enhance your security on the web.” Click on Strict, which boosts security for all sites. (If you have issues with any site, you can click on Exceptions and add websites you want to exclude from this setting.) I have not had any issues with the Strict setting. Above the right-hand edge of the Strict box there is an on/off switch. Make sure it is in the right-hand position to ensure the Strict box is active (with blue border around it). Turning it off disables not only Strict mode but also Balanced mode.

Other selections that I recommend that should adjusted are as follows.

Now scroll all the way to the top and under “Tracking protection,” select the Strict box. Make sure the switch above the Strict box is in the On position (blue).

Scroll down to “Privacy” and turn On “Send do not track” requests. Turn Off “Allow sites to check if you have payments methods saved.”

Scroll down further to “Search and service Improvement” and turn it Off.

Turn Off “Personalize your web experience.”

Further down, all items under “Security” should be turned On.

Finally, in the last category, “Services” all items should be turned Off.

After making the above changes, the security level of Edge will be improved. I recommend you review your settings from time to time to make sure they remain at the same point you set.