57 search results for "reliability monitor"

Solid State Drives (SSDs)-June 2015

                                                                                                                         By Don Trauger – Kennett


            A solid-state drive(SSD) (also known as a solid-state disk though it contains no actual disk, nor a drive motor to spin a disk) is a data storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to permanently store data.

            SSDs have no moving mechanical components as opposed to the traditional computer hard drive. This distinguishes them from hard drives or floppy disks, which contain spinning disks and electro-mechanical movable read/write heads. Compared with electro-mechanical disks, SSDs are typically more resistant to physical shock, run silently, and are faster in response to system commands. However, while the price of SSDs has continued to decline over time, consumer-grade SSDs are still roughly five to six times more expensive per unit of storage than consumer-grade hard disk drives (HDDs). This is one reason why they have not entered the main stream of “off-the-shelf” consumer computers. Hybrid drives or solid-state hybrid drives (SSHDs) combine the features of SSDs and HDDs in the same unit, containing a large hard disk drive and an SSD cache to improve performance of frequently accessed data. However, they only boost the speed of booting a computer and don’t materially affect the speed of programs. Hybrid drives are not worth the extra cost. SDDs, on the other hand, can be ordered with a new computer as an option from a computer manufacturer.

            Hard drives slowly wear after a period of time. This can affect the reliability. Five to ten years ago a drive could cause problems after just a few years of use. Since then reliability has improved but wear is still a problem. Built-in circuitry will compensate for wear – to a point. The main issue now is that a hard drive is slow in comparison to a SSD. That’s due to its moving parts. SSDs have no moving parts. All operations move electronically making it much faster. The advantage of hard drives is basically in two categories, cost and the amount of storage. However, SSDs are catching up to HDDs in the storage area.

            SSDs are the same size as a laptop hard drive making them ideally suited for replacement. They also can be installed in a Desktop computer but that requires a kit consisting of a mounting tray that goes in the space where the hard drive is located. Replacing a hard drive in a laptop does not require the knowledge of a rocket scientist. It does require a small Phillips head screwdriver to remove a bottom panel of the laptop and the old hard drive.

            Here’s how it’s done. You can order from either TigerDirect.com or Newegg.com. I prefer the SSDs made by Samung. You should order a size that is commensurate for your needs.  A 128 or 256 Gb size should be adequate. What you will receive is the SSD, a software disc, a special cable and instructions. Plug one end of the cable into the laptop’s USB port and the other into the new SSD then turn on the laptop. Next you run the Samsung Data Migration program from the supplied CD disc. This copies (clones) your hard drive to the SSD. I highly recommend that you do your routine maintenance on the hard drive BEFORE you run the copy program. This includes running CCleaner and Disk Cleanup. Defragging is also recommended. This provides a better environment for the process. After the copy process is completed, shut down the laptop and remove the back panel and the hard drive. Using the mounting frame from the old hard drive, plug in the new SSD and secure it in place. Replace the back panel and turn it on. Next install the Magician software. This program optimizes the operation of the SSD. You can expect to see anywhere from 30 – 50% decrease in boot time over the former hard drive. Program speed will also be much quicker.

            To help you with questions about this or any subject, we meet on the second Tuesday of every month at 7 PM, upstairs in the Ardmore room of the Community Center.

Credit card hacked (Dec 2021)

Technology Tips – Published December 2021 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett


Topic: Has Your Credit Card Information Been Leaked to the Web?

That’s a scary thought but hackers look for available credit card information to possibly exploit your accounts. It may happen in various ways, but a breach of a website where you previously conducted business may expose your personal information. If one of your accounts is hacked, you can be the victim of fraudulent transactions, identity theft, illegal fund transfers, or other illegal activities. If you use the same password and username for your bank account and your credit card, your bank funds can be depleted in a few seconds. If the hackers change the password for your bank or credit card, you’ll be locked out of your accounts. It’s a very ugly situation.

The Microsoft Edge browser contains a feature called Password Monitor that will scan the Web using your username and password information that you have saved in the browser when you visit a website. It won’t work if you don’t save your logon information using the Edge browser. To make use of this feature, when using Edge, a small window will pop up that offers to save your information when logging into your account on a website. Once you save your information it will be encrypted on your computer then scanned when you go on the Web using Edge.

Setting up this feature is easy. Open the Microsoft Edge browser. All Windows 10 users will have this browser as it was downloaded as part of a Windows Update. One requirement for Password Monitor to work properly is that you must be signed into your Microsoft account. To check to see if you are signed in, click the Personal icon (Headshot icon) at the top right of the Edge window. It will show your Microsoft account. Remember, a Microsoft account can be any valid email account from any Internet provider, such as Gmail, Yahoo, Comcast and almost any other provider. Click Manage profile settings, if necessary, to set up a profile that will create the Microsoft account. Click Add profile at top right of window. If you don’t see that Personal icon, click the 3 horizontal dots at the top right and scroll down and click Settings. It will open to Profiles. If you already have a Microsoft account, it will show under Personal at the top of the window. If not click Add profile.

Once you have verified that you have a Microsoft account, click Passwords in center of the window. Scroll down to Show alerts when passwords are found in an online leak. Just to the right, click the button to turn on Password Monitor. The button should be blue when turned on. Below the button click the right arrow. Click Scan now to perform an instant scan of your saved passwords. The results will show in a minute or two depending on the number of saved entries. Below, is a list of all your saved credentials. In addition, Microsoft has written detailed information about Password Monitor. Click Learn more, near the blue button.

One other setting to check is at the top of the Passwords window. Make sure the button for Offer to save passwords is turned on.

Buying a New Computer (Feb 2020)

Technology Tips – Published February 2020 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett

The last time I wrote about buying a new computer was for the August 2016 Guide & Digest issue. Since then a number of changes have taken place. Desktop computers with a monitor are still viable and are often slightly less expensive than laptops with equal specifications. What can be confusing when shopping for a computer is the terminology and the technical specifications. Although space doesn’t allow for a complete primer on the subject, I’ll tell you what you need to know.

First, decide whether you want a laptop or a desktop. Laptops offer certain advantages over a desktop. You get portability with plenty of processing power. However there are disadvantages too. A somewhat smaller screen may strain your eyes over a period of time. A smaller keyboard makes for cramped typing. Glossy screens are great for sharpness and contrast but don’t sit with a sunny window behind you. The glossy screen acts as a mirror reflecting the light from the window thus making the screen harder to see. Another item to consider is the touchpad. A touchpad allows you to mimic the mouse. Some people have trouble using the touchpad and prefer to connect a real mouse to the laptop. That’s fine if that’s your preference.

My minimum hardware recommendations for both laptops and desktops require that they have 4 core processors. Four cores refers to 4 computer processors in one package. Names like i5 and i7 made by Intel are best. AMD, an Intel competitor, is also an excellent choice. AMD Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7 processors are the best choices within the AMD brand. Computers with Intel i3 processors can serve for everyday computing single task needs such as Internet surfing, email, and word processing but are limited in processing power and don’t offer much to offset higher demands now or in the future. An i5 processor can handle almost all demands put on the processor. An i7 processor is the fastest and most expensive processor and is aimed toward serious gamers and multitasking. When buying a new computer choose a computer whose processor has 4 cores and 8 threads. Threads provide additional performance to the 4 cores. The speed rating of the processor also is important. The higher it is the faster your computer will run. A good choice would be a 3GHz or higher speed processor. Keep in mind that processors have a low idle speed that extends battery life when there are no programs running. An idle speed rating around 1.5GHz is normal. When a demand is executed the speed will increase to nearly the full rated speed. The higher the speed the faster the computer will run Apps (programs). 

Here’s how to find a processor that meets my recommendations. After making a choice on a new computer note the model number of the computer. Your choice may come from an in-store or online visit. Don’t buy on your first visit to a store. Google the computer model number online and look for the specifications. It’s best to choose the specifications from the manufacturer’s website. To keep up with technology the right processor and a SSD drive will add years to the usability of the computer. 

My recommendation for an Internet, email, word processing, photo editing and light gaming computer would have a 3 GHz or higher speed 4 core 8 thread Intel i5 processor, 8 GB’s or more of RAM, and a 256 GB or higher solid state drive such as a Dell 15 3000 model 3593. There are many other options available for computers that help personalize it for your needs and of course add to the cost. A DVD drive is now an option on some laptops but unavailable on most. What I’ve outlined here would be suitable for most HM residents. Other things to consider are the number of ports (USB & HDMI) for your needs.


Both laptops and desktops feature the Windows 10 operating system. Shop for popular brands such as HP, Dell, and others. I favor Dell because of good reliability, easy online ordering and less junkware installed compared to other brands. Before going to a store become familiar with a manufacturer’s line of computers by visiting their web sites. HP can be found at www.hp.com, Dell is at www.dell.com. Avoid the low cost ($300-$400) computers or computers that have Celeron or Pentium processors. They can be annoyingly slow if speed is a priority for your needs. A higher priced computer also offers future proofing which means the computer will operate at nearly the same speed in future years as it does now. 

More help in purchasing a Windows 10 computer can be obtained by attending the PC Club meeting on the 3rd Tuesday at 7 PM of each month at the Community Center.

Hard Drive Health

By Don Trauger, Kennett

            The hard drive in a computer is where all of your data, programs, and the Windows operating system are stored. This electromechanical device is critical to the operation of a computer. You have all heard the term backup. This means to store copies of your data files in another safe place besides the hard drive in your computer. These devices do fail and without remote access to your data then all could be lost.


            Hard drives can relate to phonograph players and records. Substitute the tone arm for a magnetic pick-up head and the turntable for a motor that spins a disc with magnetic properties. The disc has magnetic tracks instead of grooves as on a phonograph record. Each track is divided into sectors where your data is stored. Hard drive manufacturers document all of the hard drive’s operating conditions in a table called S.M.A.R.T.             which stands for Self Monitoring and Analysis Reporting Technology. Don’t let that scare you away from continuing to read this because I’m recommending a program that makes this technical jargon easy to understand.


            We all get medical tests to find out if we are in good health or need follow-up with a medical problem. We don’t understand the technical aspects of how medical tests are accomplished but we do understand the results. It’s the same with analyzing the health of your hard drive. The name of the program to monitor the health of your disk drive is called Crystal Disk Info. To download this free program go to http://crystalmark.info/software/CrystalDiskInfo/index-e.html. You can copy this address into your browser. At the CrystalDiskInfo web site, click a blue image with the number 5 on the left side to download the installer file. The current version is 5.0.5 but that may change by the time you read this. Choose your Desktop as a save location. After it is downloaded double click the new CrystalDiskInfo icon to start the installation. Follow the screen prompts and remember not to install ANY other software (toolbars, etc.) that may be piggybacked on the installer. Uncheck or decline any options to install additional software.


            After the program is installed you may delete the installer file that was downloaded. Double click the CrystalDiskInfo program icon (not the installer icon) and immediately you will see the health of your disk drive on the left side of the window under Health Status. Shaded in blue, it should say “Good”. If there are problems with the drive it will be shaded in yellow and it will say “Caution”. If it’s red, you are in trouble!


            Since this program only monitors and does not correct problems what else should you do if you see “Caution”? Basically there is only one utility that can be run to fix hard drive problems. Click the Start button on your Desktop and to the right you should see “Run”. Click Run and type “chkdsk c: /r” (no quotes) and OK the window. When a black DOS window opens answer the question with a Y and press the Enter key. Reboot and this utility will run and analyze your hard drive for errors and make repairs if it can. It may take 2 hours or more to do this. After running the utility your hard drive will have be repaired if necessary. This will not change the reading from CrystalDiskInfo even if repairs were done. The reason is that once data is entered into the S.M.A.R.T. table it can’t be changed. To gain further insight into the using CrystalDiskInfo and interpreting the results of the chkdsk utility please attend our PC Club meeting. A decision to replace a hard drive can easily be made once you understand the reported results.        


            Our PC Computer Club is open to all residents. There is no formal membership or experience required. Your questions and problems will be addressed at the meeting. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM upstairs in the Ardmore room of the Community Center.

Screen Readability

Don Trauger – Kennett

As we age, the vision that we may have had in our younger years, is not what it used to be. Even with glasses visual acuity is often
compromised. On the newer LCD computer screens with high resolution, the font size is often tiny. Although the content is sharp it
can be hard to read. Now I’ll tell you the procedure to improve this problem with different Microsoft operating systems.

First, make sure your monitor is adjusted properly using its contrast and brightness settings. If you have a high resolution picture
from a digital camera, this can be used to set the contrast and brightness for a life-like setting. If a picture is not available go
to www.google.com and search for “nature wallpaper” or “landscape wallpaper”. Click a life-like picture then click on full-size image
to the right. Do several to get an idea of a life-like image. To see more pictures click on “Images for Nature Wallpaper or “Images for
Landscape Wallpaper”. With a life-like picture on the screen you can now adjust your monitor’s contrast and brightness for the best
quality. Check your monitor’s manual for instructions on the location for the contrast and brightness controls.

With Windows XP right click a blank area on the Desktop screen. Click Properties and then click the Appearance tab. Next click the
Effects button. In that window put a check next to “Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts”. Click the little down arrow
and click “ClearType”. OK the window. Next, click the Settings tab. Under “Color quality” choose “Highest (32bit)”. Click the Advanced
button. Under “DPI setting”, click the down arrow and choose “Large size (120DPI)”. OK the window. The following adjustment can be used
but it will distort the screen image so that circles may not be round any longer and it can also cause other side effects in all operating
systems. This adjustment is the Screen resolution slider setting under the Settings tab. If you move the slider to the left everything on
the screen will appear larger but possibly distorted and fuzzier. Set it to where you are satisfied with the results.

Windows Vista is similar. Right click the Desktop, click Personalize. On the left side click “Adjust font size (DPI)”. Choose “Larger
scale (120 DPI)” and OK the window. Next, Click Display Settings. Here you can adjust the Resolution, and Colors (Highest 32 bit is recommended)
if necessary.

Windows 7 allows additional adjustments. Click Start then click Control Panel. Click Appearance and Personalization
(View by: Category at top right). Click Display. Choose “Medium – 125%”. On the left side, click “Adjust resolution”. Use the recommended
setting if at all possible. Next, click “Calibrate color”. Follow the instructions on the screen. It will be followed by a ClearType procedure
to improve text quality.

Windows 7 does the best job of tuning your computer display for your individual needs. However, XP and Vista also provide the ability to make
your screen easier to read. One thing to remember – don’t use Windows High Contrast setting should you encounter it. It may seem to be an easy
fix for readability problems but you will incur color distortions, and other visual side effects that conflict with normal Web surfing.

Help with the above information is available at the PC Club meetings. We meet the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM upstairs in
the Ardmore room of the Community Center.

Computer Maintenance – Beginners

                                                                       Don Trauger – Kennett    

            I’ve been asked many times if I would consider a class for beginners. I’ve thought about it and have finally come to the decision to hold one for the August session of the PC Computer Club. The PC Club has always been open for anyone, including beginners, but some have been reluctant to attend for various reasons. This month I will cover basic computer maintenance. I’ve selected this subject because it’s important that some basic level of maintenance be performed on a computer.

            Now don’t let that scare you! If you can click the mouse or use the touchpad on a laptop, you can learn to safely perform this required maintenance. Computers can’t run forever and maintain a degree of reliability without maintenance. As a beginner, you may not have been exposed to any training in this regard, unless you have previously attended a computer class somewhere or have attended the PC Club covering this subject. Typical users seem to shy away from this mundane area.

            A good way to approach this subject is to come to the meeting and see how it’s done first hand. With exposure you will learn how to care for your computer without paying a service company and experiencing downtime.

            You will learn to delete unneeded files that take up space that can slow down the computer. You will also learn to defragment the hard drive. The hard drive is the device that stores your Windows operating system, programs and files. The term defragment means to realign and prioritize the files on the hard drive so the computer starts up (boots) faster. The best part is Microsoft has included these free tools in all versions of Windows. Learning to do maintenance can save hundreds of dollars in repair bills over the life span of the computer.

Bring something to take notes so you can apply what you have learned when you arrive home. In addition, the Channel 20 website for homeowners, www.hersheysmill.org, is a great resource, not only for past articles of Technology Tips, but also for additional Hershey’s Mill information. To find past computer articles copy this link: http:\\\\www.hersheysmill.org//resources/ to your browser (Internet Explorer) and press enter.

            Our PC Club sessions are the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM, upstairs in the Ardmore room with the overhead projector and screen. The projector makes it so easy to see what you need to know!


When to Install a Feature Update in Windows 10 (Jan 2022)

Technology Tips – Published January 2022 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett

First, you need to check your version of Windows 10 to see if it is up to date or is several versions behind.  This can be important for feature security updates as well as new offerings. Windows Update will update your computer 3 times per month to keep your current installed version up to date. However, it doesn’t always offer the latest version update that may be available for your computer. In a way, that is a good thing. Installing the latest version update can come with bugs and there is no reason you must be a guinea pig. For example, if a new version is offered to you, I would wait 4-6 months before installing it. To check exactly what version is installed in your computer read the following.

Open settings by left clicking once the Start icon (lower left corner) of the Desktop screen. Move up to Settings and click it once. The Settings screen will open, then click the System icon. Scroll down to About then click it. Scroll down Windows specifications and note the version number. It will indicate what version you have installed. If you have an old version installed it will show the year and month it was released by Microsoft. An old version would be 2004 or older.  It means the year would be 2020 and the month of release would have been April. Microsoft has been unable to keep the release date accurate to the month, so they changed it to 6-month periods. An example of the new coding system would be 21H1, indicating the year as 2021 and indicating it is the first half of the year.


Version 21H2 has been released but I would recommend that you avoid it and update to version 21H1 if you can. Staying a version behind is the safest way to go for reliability with little to give up for security reasons.


Next, click Home at the top left of the System category window then click the Update & Security icon. First, look for Feature update to Windows 10 version 21H2. It will indicate the version that will be offered. If you don’t see it click Check for updates. If it is version 21H2 hold off installing it until February or March of 2022. The 2022 version should be available in the Spring of 2022 with a version number of 22H1. Don’t install it until August or September of 2022.


Keeping your computer one version behind is the safest and most reliable way to ensure that you don’t have to endure Microsoft’s mistakes.



Changing to Comcast Telephone & Internet Service

Don Trauger – Kennett

Residents that still have Verizon telephone service may have experienced prolonged outages and other varying problems recently.
Basically, most of the problems are related to the deterioration of wiring and delayed maintenance on the main junction boxes.
This situation can also affect Internet service from Verizon. Contrary to popular belief Verizon telephone service is NOT required
to operate our alarm systems. Instead, switching to Comcast Digital Voice and Comcast Internet service can and will eliminate the
insecurity of depending on Verizon not only for phone and Internet service, but for our alarm systems as well.

How would this work in Hershey’s Mill, considering we must maintain full use of our alarm systems? Actually, perfectly well, but read on.

I’ve been using Comcast’s Digital Voice for 3 years after experiencing intermittent noise and static with Verizon’s telephone services.
Verizon tried unsuccessfully to find the problem. A call to the Comcast Customer Service Center at 215-992-2712 set up a mutually agreed
upon installation date. Make sure you ask for any promotional pricing that is available. The unit is a combination cable modem for
high speed Internet service and a telephone adapter for telephone service. It has a battery which acts as a substitute power source for
the telephone adapter in case of a power failure. It will provide power for up to 4 hours of continuous talk and up to 12 hours in
standby mode. You will need to have a TV cable wall jack nearby.

The installer wanted to open up the telephone wall connection to “hard wire” the unit. I convinced him that was unnecessary and to
use the plug-in modular wall jack. He agreed. This avoids any chance of miswiring and causing potential alarm system problems. He used
his cell phone to “port” my phone number from Verizon to the new Comcast service. Outside the house, in the NID (Network Interface Device)
or Demarc connection box, he disconnected the Verizon lines coming into my home. This prevents any voltages from the Verizon system entering
and possibly damaging the Comcast unit. This action isolates the home telephone wiring and makes it possible for all the phones in the home,
including the alarm system, to function on the Comcast system. After some test calls the new Comcast telephone system worked fine. Now, would
the alarm system work? A call to HM Security to notify them of an alarm system test was next. After the call I pushed the panic alarm button
and it sounded for a few minutes. During the alarm test I tried to pick up the phone and was unable to place a call. This is normal during
emergencies as the alarm system seizes the telephone lines so it can send its signal to the Security Office. The alarm system functioned as
it was designed to do. After the alarm automatically stopped I called Security and they verified the alarm test signal was detected. That
basically ended the installation. It took less than an hour. With Comcast Digital Voice all of the calling features, about a dozen total,
such as caller ID, call waiting, 911 emergency calling, are available. You can still use your own personal greeting if desired. Another
Comcast advantage is that if you are traveling and have access to a computer you can log into your Comcast Voice Mail account and actually
listen to your home telephone messages. Turn off your home answering machine and after half a dozen rings or so, all unanswered calls are
forwarded to Comcast. Welcome to this world of digital communications!

Comcast telephone service, which includes all local, regional, and long distance calling, can be as low as $19.99/M. Some additional charges
such as taxes and fees, modem rental, etc. add around $10.00/M to the bill. A one time activation charge of $29.95 also applies. Since I’ve
added Comcast telephone service the monthly cost of my Internet service dropped $10.00/M to $33.00/M. I’m a “Triple Play” customer
(phone, Internet, and HD cable TV) so multiple promotional discounts are available.

As of this writing I’ve been very pleased with the quality, reliability, and cost of the Comcast phone service. Of course the noise and
static from the old Verizon lines are gone. If you decide to join the ranks of digital telephone service just make sure your alarm system
works properly after installation. It is possible that if you have an old style alarm system it may not work with Comcast Digital Voice.
Important note: Comcast phone service also works fine with the visitor’s gate.

Check the Hershey’s Mill website at www.hersheysmill.org and click on Tech Tips. Here you will find previously categorized articles that
have appeared in the TV-Guide that cover many subjects about computers.

To get answers to your questions about computers, please come to the PC Club meeting. The computer club
meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in Hershey’s Mill Community Center.

Comcast Telephone & Internet Service

Don Trauger – Kennett

Residents that still have Verizon telephone service may have experienced prolonged outages and other varying problems recently. Basically, most of the problems are related to the deterioration of wiring and delayed maintenance on the main junction boxes. This situation can also affect Internet service from Verizon. Contrary to popular belief Verizon telephone service is NOT required to operate our alarm systems. Instead, switching to Comcast Digital Voice and Comcast Internet service can and will eliminate the insecurity of depending on Verizon not only for phone and Internet service, but for our alarm systems as well.

How would this work in Hershey’s Mill, considering we must maintain full use of our alarm systems? Actually, perfectly well, but read on.

I’ve been using Comcast’s Digital Voice for 3 years after experiencing intermittent noise and static with Verizon’s telephone services. Verizon tried unsuccessfully to find the problem. A call to the Comcast Customer Service Center at 215-992-2712 set up a mutually agreed upon installation date. Make sure you ask for any promotional pricing that is available. The unit is a combination cable modem for high speed Internet service and a telephone adapter for telephone service. It has a battery which acts as a substitute power source for the telephone adapter in case of a power failure. It will provide power for up to 4 hours of continuous talk and up to 12 hours in standby mode. You will need to have a TV cable wall jack nearby.

The installer wanted to open up the telephone wall connection to “hard wire” the unit. I convinced him that was unnecessary and to use the plug-in modular wall jack. He agreed. This avoids any chance of miswiring and causing potential alarm system problems. He used his cell phone to “port” my phone number from Verizon to the new Comcast service. Outside the house, in the NID (Network Interface Device) or Demarc connection box, he disconnected the Verizon lines coming into my home. This prevents any voltages from the Verizon system entering and possibly damaging the Comcast unit. This action isolates the home telephone wiring and makes it possible for all the phones in the home, including the alarm system, to function on the Comcast system. After some test calls the new Comcast telephone system worked fine. Now, would the alarm system work? A call to HM Security to notify them of an alarm system test was next. After the call I pushed the panic alarm button and it sounded for a few minutes. During the alarm test I tried to pick up the phone and was unable to place a call. This is normal during emergencies as the alarm system seizes the telephone lines so it can send its signal to the Security Office. The alarm system functioned as it was designed to do. After the alarm automatically stopped I called Security and they verified the alarm test signal was detected. That basically ended the installation. It took less than an hour. With Comcast Digital Voice all of the calling features, about a dozen total, such as caller ID, call waiting, 911 emergency calling, are available. You can still use your own personal greeting if desired. Another Comcast advantage is that if you are traveling and have access to a computer you can log into your Comcast Voice Mail account and actually listen to your home telephone messages. Turn off your home answering machine and after half a dozen rings or so, all unanswered calls are forwarded to Comcast. Welcome to this world of digital communications!

Comcast telephone service, which includes all local, regional, and long distance calling, can be as low as $19.99/M. Some additional charges such as taxes and fees, modem rental, etc. add around $10.00/M to the bill. A one time activation charge of $29.95 also applies. Since I’ve added Comcast telephone service the monthly cost of my Internet service dropped $10.00/M to $33.00/M. I’m a “Triple Play” customer (phone, Internet, and HD cable TV) so multiple promotional discounts are available.

As of this writing I’ve been very pleased with the quality, reliability, and cost of the Comcast phone service. Of course the noise and static from the old Verizon lines are gone. If you decide to join the ranks of digital telephone service just make sure your alarm system works properly after installation. It is possible that if you have an old style alarm system it may not work with Comcast Digital Voice. Important note: Comcast phone service also works fine with the visitor’s gate.

Check the Hershey’s Mill website at www.hersheysmill.org and click on Tech Tips. Here you will find previously categorized articles that have appeared in the TV-Guide that cover many subjects about computers.

Windows 10 Version 1903 (Nov 2019)

Windows 10 Version 1903 – What’s New

Technology Tips – Published November 2019 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett

Microsoft’s support for version 1803 will end on November 12, 2019. Version 1809’s support will end on May 12, of 2020. For 1803 users Microsoft is busy downloading version 1903 to your computer. You may already have it. You can check to see what version you have by clicking Settings, (the gear icon above the Power icon after clicking Start) then click System and scroll down and click About. Scroll down to Windows specifications to view your version.

If you have version 1903 click Home at the top left corner to return to the main Settings window. Next, click Update & Security. You will see a major change in the way Microsoft handles updates.

For some background on this change read my December 2018 and July 2019 articles dealing with Windows Update problems. Go to our web site hersheysmill.org and type windows update in the search field and press Search. The articles will help you better understand why Microsoft is making a change with Windows Update starting with version 1903. Don’t implement any changes mentioned in the articles. If you still have the changes mentioned in the articles, restore your computer back to its original configuration. The new 1903 version will be able to be configured to mitigate Microsoft’s reliability problems with updates. Users with version 1809 may or may not see this new Windows Update feature. Microsoft has stopped offering 1809 as a version upgrade and instead has moved directly to 1903.

Updates are issued generally every Tuesday starting at 1 PM except for high priority security updates that can occur at any time. The timing for these updates does not mean you can get them automatically at 1 PM. Depending on the load for Microsoft’s servers it could be as late as Thursday or Friday before you get them. The first Tuesday of the month is the biggest and consists of the major updates for the month. Weeks 2,3 and 4 may consist of patches to correct any errors made with the first Tuesday patch.

It’s very easy to see that Microsoft issues updates in the beginning of the month then spends the rest of the month figuring out how to fix them. Let me guide you away from this scenario.
Here’s how to configure Windows update to avoid Microsoft’s mistakes. In Settings click Update & Security. Move down to and click Advanced options. Scroll down to Pause updates. Assuming you get your updates in the first week of the month click the down arrow in the field and select the last Friday of the current month (at the earliest) or the first Friday of the following month. Microsoft limits you to a 35 day maximum delay. Whenever you receive your updates then you get a new 35 day delay window.

You can see this feature will always delay updates up to 35 days. However, the first time you use it depends on receiving stable updates during the first week of the month that don’t require patching during the second, third or fourth week of the month. Be alert to any system problems that occur after an update. Click the Resume updates button located in Update & Security under Settings and download the fix. It may take a week or longer to download a stable fix.

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