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Special Treats for Bluebirds

March 29, 2023: Special Treats for Bluebirds

Hershey’s Mill Nature Group has kicked off the 2023 Nest Box Monitoring season. Approximately 15 volunteers have signed up to oversee the 110 nest boxes installed around the HM campus. We have been inspecting and repairing or replacing those boxes.

We often get questions about feeding mealworms to Bluebirds. We have been advised by our past chair, Wilbur Amand, DVM, that it is not a good idea to do so on a regular basis.

The North American Bluebird Society also offers the following note of caution regarding feeding mealworms: “Because they do not provide complete nutrition, mealworms should be used as a supplemental food only. They are calcium-depleting, which can leave young birds with weak bones or cause egg binding in laying birds. Feeding mealworms should be considered a “treat” much like candy for us.”

Eggshells can be an excellent substitute. During the nesting season, female Bluebirds need extra calcium to produce eggs. That’s why eggshells could be what they actually require! You can save the shells in your freezer until you’ve accumulated 6 or 8. Once you have enough, place them on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven for 15 minutes at about 250 degrees. You can then crumble them and place them in a dish. (I use a pie plate.) If you like, mix in just a few mealworms and the Bluebirds will love it.

Happy Blue Birding!

Jado Foot


Don Trauger – Kennett

Over the past years I’ve written how important it is to maintain your computer to keep it in top shape. This article deals with another area
of the computer called the Desktop. The Desktop is the screen on the monitor that is finally presented to you when you start up your computer.
Over time it gets cluttered with icons, most of which you’ll never use. Deleting unused icons is easy and safe with only one precaution.

Icons are often referred to as religious works of art. However with computers, Desktop icons generally represent a program or web site. They
are also known as “shortcuts”. They can be identified as having a small arrow located in the lower left portion of the icon. An unused icon
that has an arrow can be safely deleted. You are not deleting the program only the graphical representation of the program. Simply right click
the icon and in the pop-up menu left click delete. This action will move the icon from the Desktop to the Recycle Bin. If you make a mistake
and want the icon back double left click the Recycle bin icon and right click the previously deleted icon and then left click on Restore. It
should now reappear back on the Desktop. Continue deleting the unwanted icons from your Desktop until it’s cleaned to your satisfaction. Now
for the precaution, don’t delete anything that doesn’t have an arrow. You may have a folder on your Desktop which will not have an arrow. If
you delete that folder, any file contained in that folder also gets moved to the Recycle bin. You can double left click the folder to open it
to see what files it may contain. After inspection you can decide to leave it alone or delete it.

Now that you have cleaned your Desktop here are some other tips to consider. Right click a blank area of the Desktop. In the pop-up menu on
a Windows XP computer, move the mouse pointer to “Arrange Icons By” and left click Name and Auto Arrange. This will alphabetically arrange your
remaining icons on the left side of the screen. If you have a Windows Vista or Windows 7 computer choose “Sort By” and then left click Name. If
you click View in the menu you can also choose “Auto Arrange”.

Desktop icons and folders can also be renamed. If you have a misnamed icon or folder such as “New folder” (Windows default), just right click it
and in the pop-up window left click on Rename. Type your new name and press the Enter key.

If you would like to create a new icon on the Desktop for a program installed on your computer, click on Start then go to the All Programs menu,
right click the actual program and move the mouse to “Send to” and left click Desktop (create shortcut). The new icon should appear on the Desktop.

Cleaning up the Desktop will not make your computer run any better; however it will make it easier to see the remaining useful icons. Even a
new computer will have unwanted icons. Here’s your chance to help it look the way it should!

Updates to Previous Post on Equifax Hack. Updates in Italics



I posted this column the day after the Equifax hack became public knowledge to help you deal with the breach as it affects you. While the advice below remains accurate, I have become aware of some issues for you to consider when deciding if it is right for you.

Here are the three updates:

  1. If Equifax says they believe your personal information has not been impacted that is only a partial truth. What they mean is that they haven’t seen any suspicious activity from the time the hack was discovered (May) until they last checked (July.) this should not reassure you for two reasons. Misuse of your information may have happened before May and more significantly the people who stole your data may wait six months to a year to use it so the heat dies down.


  1. If you click the ACCEPT button you agree to waive your right to sue Equifax or join a Class Action Lawsuit. Although Equifax says this won’t apply in this case the contract language overrides any verbal statements. I am not making a recommendation here, only giving you the alternatives.


  1. Equifax wants more personal information. Are You comfortable giving it to them?



This hack is a big deal despite Equifax’s ridiculous claim that their core database was not breached. The crooks have your social security number, address, driver’s license, and birth day. They don’t need anything else. They can open new accounts in your name and if they change the address you might never know they did so.

I have followed Equifax’s instructions so I can let you know what to do to receive a free year of identity theft protection and credit file monitoring product, called TrustedID Premier. Please note that EVERY Equifax customer is eligible for this service even if Equifax doesn’t know if you were hacked.

First, go to the website www.equifaxsecurity2017.com. You will need your social security number. After you enter your last name and last six digits of your SSN hit continue. That will take you to another site for enrollment. You will the receive an enrollment date and you will be told to return to the site www.equifaxsecurity2017.com ON THAT DATE to continue your enrollment. For security purposes, you will be asked to re-enter your last name and the last six digits of your Social Security number. To enroll in TrustedID Premier, you will be asked to provide additional information to verify your identity. You also will need to provide a valid email address in order to complete the process. Within a few days, you will receive an email with a link to activate TrustedID Premier. Please be sure to check your spam and junk folders if you do not receive your activation email within that time frame.

As a word of warning the scammers will be on this like a dog on a bone. So please be very wary of any E-Mails, texts, or phone calls you get from “Equifax.” ALWAYS call their 800 number to check.

 Here are some other things you can do to help protect yourself:

Credit Freeze / Fraud Alert

This is the most important thing you can do. It will prevent anyone from opening credit in your name. The drawback is this includes you but you can easily turn it off temporarily with a phone call and your personal pin. There is usually a $10 charge to set it up and to suspend it but Equifax may suspend it. Even if they don’t it will be the best $10 you’ve ever spent.

The three credit bureaus and their phone numbers are:

  • Equifax        800-349-9960
  • Experian       888-397-3742
  • TransUnion  888-909-8872

Be Aware of Any Suspicious Activity on Your Accounts

These could be late payments on accounts you don’t have or changes to non-financial accounts.

COVID-19 Transition to Yellow Phase

Fellow Hershey’s Mill Residents,
(This has been sent to all HM residents registered on the HM email platform)
Update #36


We are in Red Phase and still under Stay At Home Orders until June 5. Assuming the PA Governor moves Chester County to Yellow on June 5th, here are the Guidelines for the Yellow Phase:


In this phase, state officials will ease some restrictions and allow more businesses to open, but customers can still expect mitigation efforts such as curbside pickup/delivery only and potential limitations on the number of people allowed in store. Closures of schools, gyms, and other indoor recreation centers, hair and nail salons, as well as limitations around large gatherings, remain in place.

Click Below to be taken to the PA Government website:

IMPORTANT: Once a county transitions to the yellow phase, the rates of infection will be monitored for significant outbreaks. Some counties could move to the green phase — in which salons, gyms, and restaurants reopen in a limited capacity — within two weeks if the infection rates continue to decrease.

As a Practical Matter, here is what we can and cannot do in the Yellow Phase:

Life under Yellow Phase for the majority of Hershey’s Mill residents means being able to leave your home and continue activities with the guidelines above and below, while wearing a face mask and social distancing.


We still have to wear masks
We still have to social distance
The stay-at-home order is lifted

Gatherings of more than 25 are prohibited

We will be able to enter some retail stores, but curbside and delivery is preferable.

Businesses and retailers will have to follow specific rules, such as limiting capacity in buildings, installing shields at registers, and mandating mask wearing among employees and customers.

Restaurants State wide, in Yellow Phase areas, will be able to serve customers sitting down at outside tables spaced six feet apart, and continue carry-out. Face masks must be worn by customers except when seated. Keep in mind, your favorite restaurant may not be able to have outside seating if on a through way sidewalk area.
We suggest making reservations early because of the high demand there will be for few tables.

All businesses must follow guidance for social distancing and cleaning.

Indoor recreation, meaning Table Tennis, Pool, Bridge, Movies, Gyms, etc. will remain closed.


1) HM Community POOL – Gov. Wolf has not re-opened pools. Watch for notices via email.

The second step is PA Governor Wolf opening pools for our local area. This has not been done. There will likely be criteria that must be met in order to use facilities when they are re-opened. The Board is watching closely and abiding by Governor Wolf’s Orders and Guidelines. Watch for notices from emails issued through this HM Email Platform.

2) Meetings – In Person and in HM Facility Meetings continue to be Cancelled until further notice. This means pre-planned meetings and events.

MEETINGS Continuing Via Zoom, Skype, Conference Calls –
HM Board
HM Landscape Committee
HM Master Association
Nature Group
Sports Groups
Technology Committee & Sub Committees
Village Councils

3) Returning & New from out of State HM Residents – Things to Know:
PA DOH requires that we wear Face Masks when we leave home and when we enter the grocery store, pharmacy and other open businesses.

4) CAUTION – Face Masks: When we are finally able to go without face masks, we recommend that everyone keep their face masks. Health Organizations worldwide are expecting a second, possibly worse, round of the COVID-19 to occur during our next Flu season. This will complicate diagnosis and treatment. We expect that Face Masks will be required again. Remember – for now, face masks are required.

5) Walkers around Hershey’s Mill: Please be careful when crossing the street in Hershey’s Mill. Look both ways before stepping into the street. Be sure you can hear your surroundings over your ear phones. A few have almost been hit by a car and never even knew it.


Please check on your neighbors regularly. A simple phone call checking in may make all the difference in someone’s day. We are all in this together – call a neighbor or two today. If you just moved here an don’t know any one, call one of your Village Council members.

-Please communicate this information to any neighbor that does not receive emails.

– Please check with your friends and neighbors to be sure they see the COVID-19 emails.


1) Please tune into Hershey’s Mill Community TV (HMTC) Channel 1971 for updates via scrolling banners

2) Please log onto hersheysmill.org for updates on the HersheyMill website.

We thank you for your understanding and patience as we navigate these unprecedented times.

On behalf of the Technology Committee,

To your health and safety,

Wash your hands, wear a face mask, social distance, stay healthy,

Bill and Sherry Kane
Co-Chairs, HM Technology Committee

Note: Emails sent out Community wide through the HM Email Platform are for internal HM use only and not for public distribution, posting on any type of website, with the exception of the hersheysmill.org website, or used in any other manner available to the general public or those residing outside Hershey’s Mill.

Franklin Village – August 28, 2023 Council Meeting Minutes


Aug 28, 2023, 9 AM, Malvern Rm., Community Center

In attendance: Margaret Callahan, , Bill Shipley, Bob Gottschall, Jack Keeley and Janet Burgess(CSK). Jay Harter- absent

Meeting called to order 9:00 Malvern Room, Community Center.

Draft meeting notes sent via email.

Financial-Jay Harter:. Grading/Drainage under budget by $10,400; snow under by

$21,000;Water $5% over budget <$2000; Tree expense on budget by end of yr.

Currently $31,000 under budget to date. Jay will schedule a budget committee meeting in September.

Architectural-Bob Gottschall:

  • Paul Welle using a new spreadsheet to track the process of new Architectural requests through the various approval processes
  • Soldwisch and Richards electric heating units approved
  • Certificates of Insurance are required for all contractors working in Franklin. After much discussion the head of Architecture should request the certificate.
  • The repair of 606 was approved without expansion. Timbertech was approved for the decking with brown vertical studs. Color sample was close and approved.
  • The downspout at 582 will be connected to the drainage system by HMLD at owner’s expense.
  • Skylights that need replacing will be covered by Bachman Roofing. If someone wants to keep one that they recommend to replace there will be no warrantee .
  • 540 request for 2 windows

Landscaping-Bob Gottschall: Nothing new with Michelle on vacation

Welcoming Committee: Up to date. 535 closed Friday Aug 25. 577 not moving in till early 2024. Carolyn Hincken a bit confused about who owns what around the house. Jack will call her.

Pool Committee- Bill and Margaret: Getting lots of good ideas and help from Rich Richards ex pool company owner.

  • Switching to salt pool in 2024
  • Switching from overflow going in to our sewar system to on the grass
  • May keep pool open past Labor Day depending on weather

Communications- Bill and Margaret as back up:  Bill Shipley getting out announcements in a timely manner

Maintenance- Bill Shipley: Jack volunteered to help with filling asphalt street cracks. Best time is late Fall. Also, some mailboxes have missing letters

Lights- Kevin Callahan: no issues

Docs Committee: Margaret to rewrite Franklin Rules and Regulations section on pickup trucks with clarifications on what can be in the bed section

Old business: New sign quote still coming per Jack

New Business-Drainage issues:

  • HMLD quoted $250 to hopefully correct the garage water penetration and it was approved as the least expensive alternate
  • 563 spot in road will be monitored
  • 562 (see docs committee)
  • Outdoor cooking grills s/b ten ft from house per E Goshen

Meeting ended at 10:45PM

Next meeting Sept 19th  9AM

Franklin Budget meeting Nov 9th 7PM

Wood Ducklings

May 10, 2022: Surprise Surprise!

I was out monitoring my Bluebird boxes this morning, anxious to see if our baby bluebirds survived the nasty weather. Sure enough, all intact, as best I can tell. We have two active nests with at least 9 young. I breathed a sigh of relief. Linda, my fellow birding friend came along, taking lots of pictures.

We thought since we were close to the small retention pond on the south side of the lagoon, we should take a look. We were in for a big surprise! Linda found a brood of baby Wood Ducks—13 of them! Then for a second surprise. Another birder found a second brood, this time out on the main lagoon. We may have counted 8.

The HMNG has undertaken the restoration of many of our Wood Duck boxes, with volunteer Rod Heckman refurbishing, cleaning, and taking inventory of the boxes. Wood Ducks use both natural cavities and manmade boxes. You can learn more about Wood Ducks and their nesting habits at our Wednesday, May 18, 11 AM Zoom presentation. Just send a request for the Zoom link to hersheysmillnature@gmail.com

Happy Birding!



This hack is a big deal despite Equifax’s ridiculous claim that their core database was not breached. The crooks have your social security number, address, drivers license, and birth day. They don’t need anything else. They can open new accounts in your name and if they change the address you might never know they did so. 

I have followed Equifax’s instructions so I can let you know what to do to receive a free year of identity theft protection and credit file monitoring product, called TrustedID Premier. Please note that EVERY Equifax customer is eligible for this service even if Equifax doesn’t know if you were hacked. 

First, go to the website www.equifaxsecurity2017.com. You will need your social security number. After you enter your last name and last six digits of your SSN hit continue. That will take you to another site for enrollment. You will the receive an enrollment date and you will be told to return to the site www.equifaxsecurity2017.com ON THAT DATE to continue your enrrollment. For security purposes, you will be asked to re-enter your last name and the last six digits of your Social Security number. To enroll in TrustedID Premier, you will be asked to provide additional information to verify your identity. You also will need to provide a valid email address in order to complete the process. Within a few days, you will receive an email with a link to activate TrustedID Premier. Please be sure to check your spam and junk folders if you do not receive your activation email within that time frame.

As a word of warning the scammers will be on this like a dog on a bone. So please be very wary of any E-Mails, texts, or phone calls you get from “Equifax.” ALWAYS call their 800 number to check.