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Windows 8.1 – Using

 Technology Tips        


  Using a Windows 8.1 Computer -published June 2014 in the Guide and Digest


                                                                                                                  By Don Trauger – Kennett


            In the May issue of the Guide & Digest I mentioned 2 items that would help in getting you started with Windows 8.1. This month I’ll cover some more points that are explained in the following paragraphs.


            Windows 8.1 requires that you learn to right click the mouse. For example, to turn off or restart the computer from the Desktop screen, right click the new Windows 8 Start button, located in the lower left corner of the screen, then move the mouse to “Shut down or sign out” and click either “Shut down” or “Restart”. Notice other available options when you right click the Start button, such as the Control Panel and Program & Features. Tap the Windows key on the keyboard and you have instant access to the Live Tiles or Metro look of Windows 8. Click the down arrow in the lower left part of the screen and you can access all the installed programs now called “Apps”. Use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the screen to view all the Apps. Tap it again and it goes back to where you were on the Live tile screen, then tap it again and you are back in Desktop mode. Not only have you learned to use the right mouse key, you are also using a previously unused key on the keyboard.


            If you would like to put an App on the Task bar of the Desktop you must right click it and click “Pin to taskbar”. It will appear on the bar at the bottom of Desktop screen. Placing icons on the Desktop screen is almost as easy. Again, right click the App and click “Open file location”. Next, right click the App and move the mouse to “Sent to” and click “Desktop (create shortcut)”. If done correctly you will now have an icon on the Desktop screen. After a little work, things will start to look familiar again as they were in the old XP days.


            The Charms Bar works in Desktop or Live Tile mode. If you position the mouse in either the extreme upper right or lower right corners you should see 5 icons appear. It can be touchy so be careful as mouse position is all important to make this feature work. However, once the icons appear, run the mouse down to each one to see the description. The Start icon takes you to the Live tile screen and the Settings icon will allow you another way to turn off or restart the computer. To do this click Settings, click Power and make your choice of restarting or turning off the computer.


            Windows 8 was updated some time ago to Windows 8.1. If you are still running the old version 8.0, you must go the Windows Store (it’s a Live Tile App) and download 8.1 from there. Most new store bought computers are now selling Windows 8.1 so you don’t have do that. However, one of the first things you need to do is to update or at least check to see that you have all of the Microsoft updates. Open the Control Panel as described above in the second paragraph, and click System and Security. Click Windows Update, then click “Check for updates”. Wait for results then install all important and recommended updates. You will have to restart the computer, then go back and click “Check for updates” again. Repeat a 3rd time if necessary until there are no further updates available. Some of the features I write about will not be available for you until all of the updates are installed.



            If you are successful in performing the above, then you are well on your way to operating a windows 8.1 computer. The PC Club meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7 PM upstairs in the Ardmore room of the Community Center to help you with Windows 8, 7, Vista, or even good old XP computer problems.

PDF Info

PDF General info
Documents on the internet are frequently in portable document format (PDF) and most people have the software to read these already installed on the computer. If you don’t have it you can download it for free. It is called Adobe Reader and is totally free to you. However, it is a large file and will be a long download if you have a slow connection. Be sure you get Adobe Reader since there are other options on the download page. The Adobe page will open in a new window if you click here for the ADOBE site.

Foxit Reader is a good alternative PDF reader. I used it when my old computer wouldn’t run ADOBE. It is also a free download and a fraction of the size of Adobe Reader (and faster PC magazine says). If you’d like to try it, visit Foxit Software.


hHMlogo_no background

Welcome: Learn all about your new Pickleball machine!

Pickleball - Tudor Plus

Pickleball Tutor PLUS Specifications:

This is the # 1 rated Pickleball machine available. Pickleball Tutor Plus (w/options selected) is easily adjustable to shoot all the shots both new and experienced players need to practice against including:

  • Dinks, Lobs, Serves, Drives, Groundstrokes
  • Topspin and Backspin – A single dial controls the amount of topspin or backspin
  • Delivers shots randomly across the court for hitting on the run
  • Holds 110 pickleballs
  • Ball Speed – Adjustable from 10 MPH to 65 MPH
  • Ball Feed – From every one second (for quick-reaction volleys) to every 10 seconds
  • Start-up time delay allows time to get to the other side of the net before balls begin shooting
  • Automatically shoots to two preset court positions
  • Ball trajectory is controlled by a simple electronic switch on the control panel rather than the manual knob control
  • Weighs only 22-29 lbs. so it is easily carried, plus includes lightweight tow cart for easier transport

If you would like training on the use of the Machine, please let us know by using feedback form or emailing your COS team.

In the interim, please check out these instructions as well as the video review…

Safety First (Please Read)

The machine must be scheduled using SKEDDA!

It will be the last column on the Pickleball SKEDDA grid.

It is important to realize that any resident can use any of the Sports facilities whether or not they have registered for HMSG and/or one or more Sports groups.

In other words, simply stopping down and using a sports facility is fine if it has not already been scheduled by anyone.

To ensure that you don’t run into conflicts, it makes sense to simply schedule the resource that you would like to utilize ahead of time.

[In such a case, the group who made the reservation would have the right to the court]

We Use SKEDDA to maintain our reservations!

  1. You do need to do a “1” time request of SKEDDA Access if you plan on using it to schedule time for one of the Sports facilities.
  2. With or Without SKEDDA access, anyone may view the schedule by clicking on the link.

If you would like to stay informed of HMSG plans and events, make sure you join HMSG if you have not already done so. You will be added to that mailing list.

Likewise, if you want to know what’s going on in particular sport groups, let them know so they can add you to their unique mailing list.

Click SKEDDA image below to open SKEDDA tab..

Anyone can view the SKEDDA schedule but you need prior authorization for creating reservations. This is a “1” time process. For more information, please press the “More SKEDDA” button to the right!

Learn all about SKEDDA..

SKEDDA pronounced /sked-dah/ 

is a web based software system used by Hershey’s Mill for scheduling court time. Being web based means that you can schedule future playing time from any browser on any device you have. Court time can be scheduled for the following Sports Groups:

  • Billiards
  • Bocce
  • Horseshoes
  • Pickleball
  • Platform Tennis
  • Shuffleboard
  • Table Tennis
  • Tennis

Also to Know!

Please USE CORRECT Balls!

Yellow Ball is for normal PLAY.

Lime Green to be USED in the Pickleball Machine.

Watch Video below for Operation Tips.

While watching this Video, understand that we have chosen the model with these attributes:

  1. We have Electric Model (No Battery)
  2. We have Electronic Elevation
  3. We have 2-line Oscillation
  4. We do NOT have a Remote Control

Operating Instructions

Control Panel

Please follow below in the order of the buttons/Dials as shown above.

  1. POWER – Pushing to the “ON” position begins a start-time delay period of 10 seconds before pickleballs are thrown.
  2. Elevation – Push button UP or DOWN to adjust trajectory of shots. This will likely take some practice.
  3. OSCILLATOR – If you wish to have balls shoot directly where pointed, make sure toggle is level (off). To have balls go back and forth to two alternating spots, set toggle to 2-Line. To have machine toss balls in a sweeping motion across the court, set to Random.
  4. There is NO remote button.
  5. RESET – If the Pickleball machine shuts off while balls are still loaded in the hopper, turn the power switch OFF. Remove all balls and see if a ball is jammed in the hopper or between/under one of the throwing wheels. Remove the ball and turn power switch on.If machine does not power on, the Reset button may have tripped. In that case, turn machine off and push reset button until it locks in place. Turn the machine on again and test.==> If the machine shuts off again or does not power up, contact a Pickleball COS member and put machine in shed & Cover.
  6. Ignore Charge (used only in battery units)
  7. SPIN – Use this Dial to have balls bounce Flat or have it produce Backspin or Topspin (each up to 4 levels of difficulty)
  8. INTERVAL – How much time do you want in between thrown balls? Turning clockwise increases the frequency of balls thrown (approx. from 1 ball every 10 seconds to 1 ball every second). Again, you will need to experiment for what is right for you.
  9. SPEED – Please start at low setting and adjust. Turning clockwise increases the speed at which balls are thrown. Caution: It claims that its highest setting can throw at 60 miles an hour.


FAQ/Things You Need to Know

  • To visit the Hershey’s Mill main page for New Residents click here.     HM General News click here.
  • Hershey’s Mill for buyers – http://hersheysmill55plus.com/ provides more general information.
  • Reporting an Issue….for an issue that you believe is the Village responsibility, contact our Property Management company, CSK to report.  Best option (creates a paper trail) is to email info@cskmgmt.com and put your house number and issue (e.g., 121 – Roof leak) on the email subject line.     Describe the issue.  Photos always welcome.    Option 2 is to call their office.  Ph: 610-337-3500
  • Alarm – house security/smoke alarm. HM Security will contact CSK and Council if a residents smoke/security alarm system isn’t working properly. Repairs are the responsibility of the homeowner. First step – – call HM Security 610.436.6403 and ask if they can run a test.  Many times a problem will resolve itself with that test.   West Chester Security, Matt Ratliff at 610.399-7986  can come to your house and repair. It is important that your system communicates with Hershey’s Mill Security.   Click here to see a message from Hershey’s Mill Security and an Alarm Panel Troubleshooting Chart. 
  • Bus Trips – upcoming trip schedule.
  • Capital Contribution Fee (for Settlements and Agreements of Sale) – Two times (2X’s) the Quarterly Assessment.
  • Committee List click here    Volunteers we depend on volunteers to keep our village running. Please consider joining a committee.  If you have expertise in an area (roads, pool, concrete, stormwater, landscaping, building construction, etc., we are always looking for ‘consultants’ for special projects.)
  • Community Center – Description of Expansion (YouTube video)
  • Decks and Patios – are the responsibility of homeowners (deck color must be approved).
  • Dogs – must be on a leash at all times. Dog waste to be picked up and disposed of in owners refuse container.
  • Floor Plans
  • Forms and Guidelines for Architectural and Landscaping Requests
  • Funding of Hershey’s Mill Amenities (How part of your Quarterly Fees are used to fund Hershey’s Mill)
  • Gate and Visitor Information click here
  • Garage Doors should be kept closed when the garage is not in use.
  • Gardens – a tour (YouTube video)
  • Golf Club Menu – all residents may order Take out from the HM Golf Club. Pick up at front door. HM Residents will be billed monthly for take-out food.
  • Ground cover – Ground cover that grows up to and around shrubs and trees, has to be removed at least 2 feet from the roots of the shrubs/trees. Leaving them in place will result in the strangling of the existing trees and plants. This is the responsibility of the unit owners.  Replacement of any plants that die as a result of ground cover will not be paid for by the Village.  All annuals should be pulled out and all perennials cutback in the fall.
  • Hershey’s Mill Security – call 610.436.6403
  • Hershey’s Mill Guide and Digest 
  • Hershey’s Mill Library
  • Insurance – Purchase a Condominium Unit Owners Policy (HO-6) to cover the building, personal contents, liability and loss of use. You can request your HO-6 policy cover the Association Property Deductible too (This coverage is called “Loss Assessment” and is very inexpensive (ranging from $0-$50 per year).  The association policy only provides coverage for damage to the building and unit that exceeds the association property deductible (currently $10,000). Therefore, each unit owner must have enough building coverage on their own HO-6 insurance policy to cover at least $10,000 of damage to their building/unit. Sewer back-up coverage should also be requested.  (Reminder, some of the items owners are responsible for include: 1) screened in porch 2) windows 3) doors.  Summary: The key component to the coverage is that the Village policy does not kick in until the first $10,000 dollars of deductibles is exhausted. Once the deductible is met the master policy becomes primary for all covered losses to the exterior and interior of the units, except for personal property and back up of sewers and drains into the units. Personal contents include your clothes, furniture, stereo, television, etc., This coverage should be provided with replacement cost coverage. Certain items such as jewelry, silver, etc. should be discussed with your condo agent and properly scheduled on your policy. Personal liability coverage is also included in your HO-6, review with your insurance agent to make sure limits of coverage are adequate. If any residents have any concerns, contact your insurance agent.
  • Landscape or Architecture (outside) – all changes MUST get approval first. Forms here.
  • Lighting – Garage (outside) Lighting and Street Lighting – See Committee List for contact information to get bulbs replaced.
  • Maintenance Responsibilities – what the Village is responsible for vs. the Homeowner.
  • Map of Franklin Village
  • Map of Hershey’s Mill
  • Medicare – Pennsylvania Medicare Education and Decision Insight (PA MEDI) – PA MEDI counselors are trained to provide FREE, personalized, unbiased counseling to help you with Medicare enrollment, and yearly evaluations of your options/plans.
  • Pool (main pool) website
  • Pool – Franklin Village
  • Power washing of homes and garages and sidewalks. Done September 2022.  Occurs every 2 years.
  • Power Outage Preparation – for those with life-saving equipment
  • Recyclables are picked up on Wednesdays. All boxes must be flattened. Do not include any plastic bags. Click here for more information.
  • Rules of Franklin Village
  • Security Main Gate information
  • Serpentine Barrens – information and tour (YouTube video)
  • Sewer System at HM – Green Hill Sewer Association    Most important thing to remember, ‘flushable wipes’ are not flushable.  YouTube video interview which describes our system at HM.
  • Skedda – HM Events Calendar – Scheduling calendar for rooms in the Community Center, Sullivan House, or Cove, as well as all  Sports Facilities (courts, pits, and tables). Click here  to view the calendar.    For more information on Skedda, or to request access to make reservations click here.
  • Smoke Detectors – responsibility of Homeowner.  West Chester Security Systems – Matt Ratliff 610.399.7986.  East Goshen Township requires hard wired smoke detectors in all bedrooms.
  • Termite inspections occur every other year. Last done April 2023. Click here for a description of what to look for – signs of termites.
  • Timeline of Improvements/Repairs in Village1999-to Present
  • Trash is picked up on Tuesdays & Fridays. Click here for more information Vehicles and Parking – Garages should be utilized before outside parking spaces.
  • Urgent/Emergency Care Campaign information (will be discussed at our May 2024 annual meeting) Background: A few residents of Princeton Village came up with a program to educate residents on several ways to easily assist First Responders and HM Security get essential information about you in case of an emergency. This is a 100% optional, 100% voluntary program.     Link to general information provided by Princeton Village.
    • 1) How to add medical info/emergency on cell phones.
    • 2) Yellow Dot program to keep in your car glove compartment
    • 3) Medical care info/directions to hang in an envelope on your refrigerator. Link to form.
  • Vacant House – Things to do when you go away for an extended period of time.
  • Verizon FiOS (Internet, cable, landline) – Moving in and moving out instructions.    Verizon KEEP Sheet
  • Walking Guide
  • Water – In Franklin Village is covered by your Quarterly fees.   You will not receive an individual water bill.
  • Winter Preparation

Browser – “New” Microsoft Edge (Sep 2020)

Testing the “New” Microsoft Edge Web Browser

Technology Tips – Published September 2020 in the Guide and Digest

By Don Trauger – Kennett

If you are not familiar with “Edge” it is the replacement web browser for the venerable but outdated and somewhat insecure browser – Internet Explorer. Yes, Internet Explorer remains on Windows 10 computers for those rare compatibility situations but you should not be using it routinely. The first iteration of “Edge” in 2015 was a ho hum affair. It never developed wide acceptance as most consumers gravitated toward using Chrome. In early 2020 Microsoft released the new version of “Edge” based on the Chromium engine, the same one that Chrome uses.

It was recently downloaded to me via Windows Update but you can also download it from Microsoft at: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge. It’s a free add-on to Windows 10 and is also available free for Windows 7 and 8 PC’s. You should see a download button in the center of the page after you enter the above address into your Chrome or Firefox browser. The new “Edge” file will be downloaded into your Downloads folder. Double click
“MicrosoftEdgeSetup.exe” to install “Edge”.

The setup procedure is fairly easy. Once it’s installed you’ll be presented with a few screens to get you going. If you are presently a Chrome user choose “Import from Google Chrome”. When clicking “More import options” you’ll see a window showing all of the import items available. Choose all of them to import all of the Chrome settings then click “Confirm”. Next is the setup for new tabs. You’ll see “Inspirational”, “Informational” and “Focused”. In my opinion it’s a bit overblown as “Inspirational” and “Informational” merely adds a background picture to the two windows. “Focused” just eliminates a background picture. Next, is the choice to sync your data to other devices when you are signed in to your Microsoft account. Toggle the switch to “No” if no syncing is for you. The last setup screen allows you personalize advertising sent to you, courtesy of “Edge”. You might want to set the switch to “No”.

Clicking the 3 horizontal dots at the upper right takes you to a menu of items. Scroll down near the bottom and click Settings. On the left, under “Privacy and services”, turn on “Tracking prevention” and click “Strict”. Click “On startup” and choose the setting of your home page when you start up “Edge”. “Site permissions” are preset so for almost everyone there’s nothing to change. However, it’s best to review them for your needs. Clicking “Default browser” allows you to set “Edge” as the browser that, for example, will start when you click a web site link in an email or attachment. Clicking “About Microsoft Edge” will allow you to update “Edge” if necessary. You can review other settings not mentioned above as needed.

So how does “Edge” compare to Chrome? In my testing, very favorably. Since they both are based on Chromium the use of memory is about the same. Firefox uses a bit more memory than Edge or Chrome. So which is fastest? “Edge” comes out on top by a slight measure over Chrome. Firefox was faster on some sites but slower on others by a second or less.

Give “Edge” a try – you may like it.

Annual Meeting – May 24, 2023

President’s report:  Mike Pincus on the sink hole problems.  5 sinkholes opened up in the village as a result of holes and cracks in the stormwater cast iron drainage pipes which are 30 years old. Some have been repairs, some still need repair ($25K so far). Master’s Association has paid ($10K+) for repairs to the pipes that connect outside our village. Paul Welle was thanked for his analysis of the report and photos from Pipe Data who scoped our pipes with cameras, Negotiations with the Master Association will continue to see if they will fund the required fixes to the storm drain system.  Mike and Paul will continue to work on overseeing the stormwater pipe issues.   Asphalt resealing is on hold until all issues are addressed.

Mike Webber asked about the issue near 530.  Dom Aleardi answered that a drain pit was installed to see if it would help before having to run a line to the storm drain. Council will continue to investigate better options.

Mike Pincus reported on the roof replacement project. Continuing leaks caused council to look into roof replacement.  45 repairs have occurred over the last 2 years (29 different houses).  4 roofing companies were contacted. Bachman Roofing was chosen based upon price and their experience.  $600 per household assessment – letter from CSK will be send to homeowners. We will just do the houses this year.  Garages and gutters will be done in several years (approx. 4 years).

Finance Report: Jay Harter discussed the financial health of the village.  Rejuvenation project was funded from reserves. Charges for increased gas prices from contractors caused us to overrun the budget slightly, Master Association paying for one of the storm drain fixes helped the budget, they reimbursed the village $10,000   A slide showing roof cost estimates was shared.

Bachman Roofing:  Matt Kennedy from Bachman answered questions from residents.

Timing: Early October.  8-10 weeks duration.. Staging area: Near pool

Skylights are being evaluated by Bachman and homeowner contacted directly if a replacement is recommended.

Skylights and sun tunnels are the responsibility of the homeowner.

Sun tunnels will be reused (unless you want new).

Bachmann will need to be inside your unit if your skylight is being replaced, to ensure it is seated properly.

If you don’t have a skylight or sun tunnel and are interested in having one installed, now would be the time to get a quote from Bachman to install.

Grass will need to be cut very short right ahead of the job, in order to help with clean up/nails, etc.


Bachman will check to ensure your bathroom vent truly vents to the outside, vs venting in your attic.  They will vent to the outside at no additional cost.  Venting to the outside alleviates moisture (mold) in your attic space.

Kickout flashing will be used.

Nailing new shingles into the roof, will create wood shards in the attic.   If you use your attic for storage, you may want to cover your items with plastic or sheets.

Send questions /concerns to CSK.  Janet will compile and discuss at monthly council meetings.

Mike Pincus will coordinate with Matt Kennedy and reach out to homeowners with skylights as needed.

Architectural Committee:  Dom Aleardi is stepping down as Chair.  4 other members are also stepping down. Thank you to all the past and current members!  New members are being added. Committee members will be announce as soon as they have a chance to have their first meeting.

Pool Committee:  Bill Shipley reported that the pool is ready for the opening this Saturday May 27th.

Landscape Committee:  Michelle Cohen talked about the list of new plantings that the committee had crated. Sha asked residents to make sure they water any new plantings.

Welcome Committee – Louise Harter and Carolynn Hincken welcomed new residents at 566 and 606.

Social Committee:  Jacki Welle talked about the success of the Ladies Luncheon   The next event will be a pool party on June 7th.  Jacki also discussed the plan for an Octoberfest party.

Bocce:  Carolynn Hincken explained Bocce is usually the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month.

Council Vote Results:  The following were elected for two-year positions:  Bob Gottschall and Jack Keeley. Positions will be decided in the next 2 weeks

HMNG-Group Objectives and Actions & HMNG-By-Laws

Return to Nature Main Page

“If you know what’s coming, you can take proper measures.” –Vincent Nijman, anthropologist

“Group” Objectives:

  • Continue to focus on organizing the volunteer monitoring of blue bird/song bird and wood duck nest boxes found throughout HM;
  • Review HM Village rules regarding bird houses/bird feeders/bird baths;
  • Recommend habitat enhancements and landscape planting options with regard to native wildlife species, including birds, butterflies (and other pollinator species) and reptiles/amphibians;
  • Address pond/stream ecology and health in an effort to attract/support native wildlife species;
  • Give consideration to the establishment of several pollinator gardens within certain HM Villages.

“Group” Actions:

  • Involve HM residents through nature/bird/wildflower walks within HM and schedule periodic lectures addressing nature issues/topics;
  • Communicate with HM residents through the use of HMCTV/Guide & Digest; the HM Technology Committee; and various HM Village newsletters;
  • Reach out to other groups such as the West Chester Bird Club; Valley Forge Audubon Society; Cornell University Lab of Ornithology; the State/National Audubon Society; Audubon International Sanctuary Program; and other like groups, in an effort to keep HM residents updated on activities and concerns related to native wildlife/birds, environment, climate, and related topics;
  • Interact with various HM Committees including the HM Landscape Committee; the HM Landscape Division; the Community Gardens Committee; and the HM Golf Club Grounds Division in order to identify and participate in endeavors of mutual interest.


Be Ready for Power Outages

I am sure that most of us can remember the severity of the weather that we experienced last winter…and the resulting power outages. Though winter is not scheduled to officially arrive until December, the following information will help you prepare for any instance where you may lose power…regardless of the season.

From time to time, usually during inclement weather, Hershey’s Mill villages and the surrounding community may lose electricity. While most outages last two or three hours, a few have lasted for more than 24 hours. During power outages lasting any length of time, the Security Department receives dozens of phone calls from residents who find themselves in inconvenient, or even emergency, situations that could be prevented with some advance planning. Listed below are a few suggestions that can better prepare people for a power outage:

  • 1. When the power is out, your automatic garage door opener will not operate. For those residents with detached garages, be sure you know how to operate your emergency door release.
  • 2. Keep plenty of flashlights around the house, and keep extra batteries handy.
  • 3. Keep a charged cell phone somewhere in your house. Providing that phone and cable service have not gone out along with the electricity, Verizon customers will continue to receive phone service; and Comcast Phone customers should have phone service for 6-8 hours before the backup battery in the modem expires.
  • 4. If you are dependent on any life-saving electrical devices (oxygen pumps, medical monitors….et), please contact your medical supply company to discuss options for a backup power supply.
  • 5. Turn off any appliances that you were using when the power went off. When the power goes out unexpectedly, a person may have been using their stove, heating pad, or other device that requires monitoring. A person might leave the house and forget that these items were left running. If the person is not home when the power is restored, then the stove, heating pad….etc may begin operating again without any supervision…causing a fire hazard.

Please call PECO at 1-800-494-4000 to report that your power is out and for all outage-related questions, as PECO requires account holders to report their problem directly and does not provide the Security Department with any more information than they give to residents. When the Security Department is inundated with calls regarding a power outage, the phone line is then tied up; and residents who are calling with security-related issues or emergencies cannot get through.

Village Council Meeting – May 3, 2023

In Attendance:  Mike Pincus, Jay Harter, Margaret Callahan, Bob Gottschall, Bill Shipley and Janet Burgess.

Meeting called to order at 8:59 AM by Mike Pincus.

March 16, 2023 Meeting minutes were approved.

Financial:  Jay Harter reported that we are about $20,000 under budget for the year.

Reserves for roof replacement options look good.

Jay attended a meeting of village treasurers. Reverse mortgages were discussed; there was no concern about them.  Some villages have had to take out loans for roof replacement. None of the other villages did a financial reserves study as Franklin did 10 years ago. The study helped Jay keep Franklin’s reserves on tract to pay for most if not all of the roof replacement.  Jefferson will be doing roof replacements in June.

Hershey’s Mill Landscaping will be coming out in May or June with a proposal for a 4 year contract renewal.  Mike said Ed McFalls said the contract would include a substantial increase over the past contract.

Committee Updates:

Architectural: There was an Architectural Committee meeting on April 29 for the committee members and residents interested in joining the committee. Dom Aleardi has announced that he will be resigning from the committee and the chair position as of May 15, 2023. Several other members also have decided to resign from the committee. The committee will be reorganized as soon as the new volunteers are found. Several residents have already volunteered.  A sub-committee will be reviewing the Architectural Guideline and Rules.

A request from Maryann DiNunzio for an addition was approved by council.

Landscaping: No updates on landscaping.  Council would again like to thank Michelle Cohen and her Committee for all their work.

Welcome Committee:  The committee has contacted our newest resident, Judith Melick, who purchased 566.  The sale of 606 is pending.  There are 2 more house that may be going up for sale this year.

Pool Committee:  The concrete contractor has provided an estimate for fixing part of the concrete apron around the pool.

CSK received the contract for 2023 from Rich Frey of Giuliani Pools. Council approved the contract and CSK signed the contract with Giuliani Pools.

The pool will be opening Memorial Day weekend.

Communications: All communications requested have been sent.

Garage & Street Lights:  Kevin Callahan is being contacted by residents to replace lights.

Maintenance: No response from the request for volunteers so far.

Document Committee: Documents are still being collected but most have already been catalogued.

A review of Architectural Guidelines and Rules will be taking place soon

Old Business: Paul Welle reviewed the information from Pipeview and came up with detailed advice and recommendations. Thanks Paul! Mike Pincus will continue to work with Ed McFalls concerning the drainage issues.

Roofing contractors Bachmann Roofing and Lemus Construction presented their proposals at our council meeting. After the presentations council voted to accept the proposal from Bachman Roofing.

Bachman was chosen because of their extensive references from other Hershey’s Mill villages, best price for the project, and recommendations from CSK. There was a discussion of replacing gutters when we replace the roofs. A quote will be requested from Bachman.

There will be a presentation by Bachman Roofing concerning roof replacement at the annual meeting on May 24th.

The change to the Franklin Village Declarations about the deductible amount for insurance was discussed.  Since the $7500 deductible that is stated in our Declarations will no longer be offered, the $7500 specification will be removed from the Declarations in order to have flexibility when changes to the deductible amount occur.

New Business: None.

The Franklin Village Annual meeting and council election will be held on Wednesday May 24, 2023.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:27 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Bill Shipley

PDF help

PDF General info

Documents on the internet are frequently in portable document format (PDF) and most people have the software to read these already installed on the computer. If you don’t have it you can download it for free. It is called Adobe Reader and is totally free to you. However it is a large file and will be a long download if you have a slow connection. Be sure you get the free Adobe Reader since there are other options on the download page. The Adobe page will open in a new window if you click here for the ADOBE site.

Foxit Reader is a good alternative PDF reader. I used it when my old computer wouldn’t run ADOBE. It is also a free download and a fraction of the size of Adobe Reader (and faster PC magazine says). If you’d like to try it, visit Foxit Software.

Re-sizing the document

One of the nice things about the pdf reader is the user has an easy way to change the size of the print. There is a simple setting where you can change the size of the document as you are looking at it. On the residents and houses map, I find it easy to read numbers at 200% but then you only see a few houses. At 50% I see the whole village but the numbers are tiny.

Keep in mind that your reader may not be exactly the same as mine. In mine the size setting is about the middle of the bar directly above the document. There is a drop-down menu next to the percentage figure which allows you to change the size. You can also use the + and – figures near the percentage.

Or hold down the control key and tap + or – on your keyboard. See https://hersheysmill.org/help/print-size-adjustment/ if you need a bit more details on this.